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  • It means whatever you and your ex (or whatever) decides it means. Typically, a breakup means the two of you are NOT a couple any more. Go your separate ways. If you two have decided otherwise, for whatever strange reasons, then that definition rules.
  • Takign a break is pretty much an easy way out. What it says is: "I really dont know if I like you , and I really dont want to be in a relaitonship with What I'm tellign you is that I want to 'take a break'. I want to be able to date other people and run back to you if it doesnt work out. I suppose I can just sit you on the side and take you out if I need you. You're ok with that,right?" Problem with this is, when both people dont move on, one person is left alone. And theres no reason one person should take break and not date otehr people if the other person is doing so. Its unfair and using that person as the last coice (" if everything does work out with so-and-ao, i'll always have you...until someone else comes that is").
  • It means about as much as "going steady" means. That is, it means whatever the two of you agree that it means. That could also mean that the person who initiates it means "I want out of this relationship but I'm too cowardly to say 'I want out'."
  • There are no set rules for taking a break from the relationship. The two of you need to define the rules.
  • If you feel like you wanna date around, do it!! and don't bug him if he dates around too. It basically just means you're taking a break from being "official", so take advantage of that! DATE!!

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