I wouldn't, can't speak for the rest of the guys.
It depends on the taste of that man. What you like another might not.
you cant generalise, what some men find attractive, others may not
Personally I don't, but they're not a definate turn-off if she's otherwise pretty, and sometimes dreadlocks can look good on certain girls.
Personally, no, I think they look dreadful.
no,but then again dread Locks on anyone are not attractive...I lay in bed for 2 days rolling around as I was Very very sick,as I was rolling around my hair was tieing up in knots,then off to the hospital for 2 weeks! It took them poor girls 6 hours of ripping and tearing out my hair,but they got them out for..I just looked like a matted Dog!:(
I would personally yes, but its more to do with the person. If I saw someone with dreads like me then I would think we were like-minded/had a bit in common so yeah sure. At the end of the day, what someone would find attractive is not for everyone, confidence in who you are is key and that is attractive.
Some do. It really depends on personal preference, Also, some girls can carry dreads well, others can't. There are a lot of influencing factors on the matter
I've seen them look awesome and I've seen them look quite bad. Depends on the girl.
it depends on the girl , hair styles don't always look the smae on every peoson
I saw a really pretty Jamaican girl with dreadlocks and she was gorgeous. She told me that her hair was called manicured? It did not look like Bob marley. But I am in to exotic women though.
I find them attractive, then again the girls that wear them are generally more fun anyways.
Yeah, I actually do. Of course not all of them. But some of them. I like how they look on them. Same with men, but of cours eless than chicks :P
ofcourse..that means they know how to take care of themselves..because If you have them.. you know :) and speaking you have a picutre? lol
I have no problem with hairstyle. personality is the main thing for me!!:P
I can only speak for myself. I don't like them, not at all.
I find them very unattractive. It makes me think "dirty hippy."
I would say no.
(I'm not a guy, so I don't fully qualify to answer this question, I guess, but I am attracted to women. :-p) Personally, I like to be able to run my fingers through a girl's hair. That's not a big problem, though. If I really liked her, nothing about looks would matter.
Sometimes it looks good. Usually when I see a girl I don't know with dreadlocks I think of her as dirty hippy and I wouldn't consider dating her unless she was smoking hot, but when my girlfriends make dreadlocks with their hair it looks good and I don't think of them as being dirty because I knew them before they had dreds.
not much i dont find attractive on a girl
Not really. I don't really like them on men, women, or dogs (there's that dog that looks like it's got dreads?)
nope i dont find it attractive:)
Well, not all guys like the same thing, first of all. Second, I don't know what I would feel like as a guy, but as a bi woman, yes, I find dreadlocks attractive.
No offense to women who have them, but I don't like dreadlocks. They make hair all stiff and ropey, when it should feel soft and flowing, imho.
I don't.
Not me but I've given in before.
it's not a look that works for everybody. some girls can pull it off, some girls can't :)
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