Get back at them?
You'll never find out it was us !!!! As instead DR'g you -5 we did -4 so you'd think it was someone W/in a lower level...'Cuz We is smart!!!! xp XP
Just ignore him. He'll eventually go away. Also let the friends help.
When you ask a question like this, a friend like me will see it, and then go take reverse all of the hard work your cute little troll did. When Im done, it will be as if it never happened. That is, unless Im out of points for you, of course. Anytime I can help, Im glad to !!!
You don't have to. They're just jealous that you're pretty :)
You can give him this little +4 from me.
Why do you want to feed it? Ignore it.
Sugar coated Zyklon-B tablets come highly recommended
Doggie treats :)
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