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  • Only if you KNOW that your partner is completely disease free. "If anything, swallowing the cum of a healthy male may in fact be good for you, since it is a highly concentrated source of protein, minerals, natural sugars, and other nutrients. Healthy seminal fluid is mostly fructose and proteins, and doesn't contain any harmful chemicals. The slightly bleachy smell of semen comes from its alkaline pH and minute traces of chlorine, but if it's mild enough for a vagina, it's not going to be any harsher on your mouth or throat." Enjoy
  • Doing research for this answer I found that many people voice their opinion with little fact to back it up. I will try to answer this as un-biased and fact-based as possible. Lets start here. "Swallowing semen from a disease-free male during sex is generally safe. There is nothing unhealthy about swallowing unless the person has an STD. Bodily fluids except for tears and saliva are agents that transmit some STD's such as AIDS and HIV. Many people have questions about oral sex and disease transmission: Can you catch an STD from oral sex? Can get other diseases from swallowing cum? Will swallowing cum hurt you or make you sick? Is it safer to spit than to swallow? We'll attempt to demystify some of these issues. First the Good News Cum is an all-natural bodily fluid that doesn't harbor any diseases or harmful bacteria in a healthy person. The purpose of semen is to transport sperm to the female ova, and it is a high-protein, nutrient-rich medium designed to support and sustain the spermatazoa during their relatively brief journey. The sperm themselves also present no threat in the digestive tract, and are neutralized by gastric fluids by the time they reach the stomach. If anything, swallowing the cum of a healthy male may in fact be good for you, since it is a highly concentrated source of protein, minerals, natural sugars, and other nutrients. Healthy seminal fluid is mostly fructose and proteins, and doesn't contain any harmful chemicals. The slightly bleachy smell of semen comes from its alkaline pH and minute traces of chlorine, but if it's mild enough for a vagina, it's not going to be any harsher on your mouth or throat. Because the ducts and glands that produce the components of semen feed into the urethra, the same passage that carries urine out of the penis, cum may pick up some traces of urea or uric acid. However, these are harmless, as is healthy urine in general. The urinary tract of a healthy person contains only trace amounts of bacteria, and there are no substances in urine that are harmful to consume in the quantities excreted normally. The Not-so Good News The sort of good news is that swallowing your partner's cum will not put you at any greater risk for catching an STD. The flip side is that if your partner does have an STD, by the time you've had unprotected oral sex with them, whether you swallow or not, you've been exposed to whatever they're carrying. Having unprotected oral sex (giving a blow job without a condom) is risky. Some of the disease that can be transmitted through oral sex if your partner is infected include herpes, genital warts, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis. The risk of HIV transmission through oral sex is still undetermined. Some experts say there is little to no risk of getting HIV through fellatio, while some say there is possible risk, especially if there are cuts or sores in the mouth of the person performing oral sex. Because most of the STDs mentioned are transmitted through contact with sores or lesions on the genitals, or are present in the pre-ejaculate fluid (precum), a person performing unprotected oral sex on an infected partner has already been exposed even before their partner ejaculates. If your partner cums in your mouth, you may be exposed to additional quantities of STD pathogens in the semen, which can infect you through the mucous membranes in your mouth and throat or through small cuts or scrapes on the inside of the mouth. However, if you've already gone that far, swallowing the semen isn't going to put you at much additional risk. If anything, once the cum is in your mouth, swallowing may be the quickest way to get rid of it. Once you've swallowed, your digestive enzymes and acids will probably destroy any germs in the semen, and your stomach and intestines are not vulnerable to infection by STDs. If your partner has cum in your mouth and you are concerned about STDs, you can minimize your risk by either quickly spitting or swallowing. The point is just to get the cum out of your mouth quickly one way or another. Then whether you've spit or swallowed, gargle and rinse your mouth thoroughly with a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution (the type available in drug stores for first aid). This will kill any germs in your mouth and throat and wash them out of cuts in the mucous membranes." So, is it safe? Sure if your partner is disease free. If you are unsure or they don't know, then it can be risky. But most of your risk in this activity will be from STD's and very little else. You should always practice safe sex, and get tested often.
  • The only danger involved is the possibility of transmission of disease. If your partner has no disease, then it should be ok. CNN online actually featured a story about a study which showed the benefits of swallowing. On the other hand, small amounts are already ingested during oral sex. If you have any doubts, require your partner to "cover up".
  • It is only safe if your partner doesn't have any STD's. Although, there are also many after affects of swallowing that could and can make your partner sick. For example, throwing up afterwords is common. Also, a really bad stomach ache could make matters worse. It really depends on the person, but most likely, there is always some sort of side effect. If your partner doesn't want to swallow, don't force them. It's probably eitehr because they've had prior bad experience, or had been exposed to the minimal risks.
  • Dude if the girl is willing to suck and swallow your cum then let them!!! I mean it aint gonna hurt them they wont get pregnant. so boy go out there and let 3 or 4 girls suck you off!! It feels real good when you got one girl suckin your shaft and one or even 2 suckin on your balls!!! If you got any more questions let me know and i will help you out.
  • yes cum swallowing is perfectly safe as long as your partner has no std's
  • Answer 6 might need to see a doctor if throwing up after swallowing is common for them. And no, there is not normally any side effect. About the only thing Answer 6 is correct about is don't force someone who doesn't want to...but don't give up asking either;)
  • No bugs then its safe to swallow as much of the white nectar as possible. Bug i mean std's.
  • I heard once that canables suffer from sort of crystalization of the brain, something to do with incompatability of digesting the same DNA as yours or something like that. So, I was wondering if swallowing male cum (a lot of it) might cause the same brain disease? Silly question I know, but I'm just curious. I'm sure a canable on some island tribe would have eaten a ton of poeple before getting a brain disease and swollowing a few ounces of male cum once in a while might be too small to do any harm... but I still wonder if anyone has made the connection or done research on it?
  • Yes, Sperm is a very High protein thing and anti depressent. Some people have it every day in their diet. Yes, its food
  • Hi, be sure your partner is not sick, if not its up to you to swallo it, nothing wrong, if you like your partner, then you would like to swallo it.
  • mmm mmm mmm.....yum. swallowing is safe and yummy as long as no stds... =D
  • same ok if no stds
  • I hope so.
  • Oral sex can transmit syphilis, gonorrhea, herpes, warts, and other diseases. (The city's health department recently noted a 50 percent) But other old standby (STD) sexually transmitted disease, like syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia and herpes, are definitely transmitted through oral sex. Syphilis Syphilis is extremely easy to transmit via oral sex. In fact, in some areas of the United States, oral sex has been shown to be responsible for as many as 15% of syphilis cases. Although syphilis can only be transmitted in the presence of symptoms, during the primary and secondary stages of the disease, the painless sores it causes are easy to miss. Oral sex carries a risk for both HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. HIV and some (STD)sexually transmitted disease are forever meaning they can't be cured. While you may seem more popular, having unprotected oral sex does not make you more liked among your peers. In fact, studies show that people like you and respect you less when you have unprotected oral sex. During oral sex, both the boy and girl are at risk for disease. You can contract (STD) sexually transmitted disease through oral sex...It is dangerous and should only be shared with someone you are married to. yes u can still get std's sexually transmitted disease that way It can be if your partner is not honest with you about (STD)sexually transmitted disease. well, bacteria from down there can get in your mouth. also if your partner was sexually active before being with you, you could get an sexually transmitted disease in your mouth. not fun! Documented Risk - Although the risk is many times smaller than anal or vaginal sex, HIV has been transmitted to receptive partners through oral sex ("blow jobs"), even in cases when insertive partners didn't ejaculate (cum). Theoretical Risk - Performing oral sex or "giving a blow job" carries a theoretical risk of transmission for the receptive partner because infected pre-ejaculate ("pre-cum") fluid or semen (cum) can get into the mouth. Any open sores, cold sores, etc. can be a route by which the virus or bacteria can enter the bloodstream and infect. For the insertive partner there is a theoretical risk of infection because infected blood from a partner's bleeding gums or an open sore could come in contact with a scratch, cut, or sore on the penis.
  • be sure u brush ur teeth after swalloing cum. I love it. The pleasure is umcomparable. It makes u wilder. Though i hv only swallowed mine not others. But i would like to swallow others too.
  • if the person you are giving a blow job to is clean and dosen't carry any std's then yes swallowing is cum or jizm is safe just like with all sexual contacts if 1 of the parties is carring a std it can be transfered
  • thanks, that was very helpful................

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