• sorry to disappoint but i would love to do the same!
  • Stick your tongue out at them then smile. If they smile back, move. If not, dont.
  • GOOD question. eye contact shows confidence and interest as well.but to attract her without talking is a bit of a challenge. HERE are real examples from me. was at walmart doing application for job on computer, and kind of in the distance was a very cute girl.(my mindfram was, mmmmm, shes hoottt i want her.) and i looked into her eyes, at 1st she looked away. then, i stared again and she stared back. stared again, this time she stared back into my eyes 4 a few sec. wich shows interest.(dont stare too damn much, this should be comm. sense.) i eye contacted,same with her, locked on for a rew, i smiled. then she had a big smile while looking away. i totally pulled it off. went up to her,"your so beautiful" (staring into eyes.) "i wanted to come say hi." etc. got her number, left.
  • um, i think that would be kind of a challenge..though it'll defiently get their attention. and once you get their attention you can try to talk to them to seal the deal! one time i was at best buy and one of the employee made eye contact so i made eye contact right back. and then it was just awkward because we were sitting there..staring at each other. so then i got bored and walked away. i suggest talking. haha
  • how to get easy talk a girl to make them go out with you
  • Guy from Quora answered this question. It was about seduction, but it is a thin line :) HE wrote this: ''It can be very simple. It is all up to you! I had problems earlier, in my boy days when I chased girls to have sex with me. It is not that simple. You need to ‘’work’’ a bit harder to achieve what you want. AND THAT SHOULDN'T BE ONLY SEX. When I say ‘’work’’, I mean chose your words, expression, and everything that goes with it! Women like everything, from being rich, the way you stand, the way you look, think, approach, EVERYTHING! This post ( has a simple ‘’tool’’ that can help you with some of things you need to take care of… It has a great list what to do when you get there, but also has a great stuff about seducing a woman. Article said simple: ‘’The technique, good hygiene, character and chemistry between two people are important factors, but sexual intimacy for which sex becomes fantastic is much more than that. It grows and multiplies with the good, common experience, conversation and work on yourself.’’ Hope this helps!'' ''It can be very simple. It is all up to you! I had problems earlier, in my boy days when I chased girls to have sex with me. It is not that simple. You need to

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