• very much so
  • Yes, mildly. Sometimes....
  • know. Why hour yew?
  • woot due u meen?
  • only if the incorrect spelling makes the question hard to understand, It doesn't bother me as such, It just stops me from wanting to answer the question. :)
  • Yes. And those who use the word "like" three times in one sentence.
  • If dey r mispaling accesively than it mackes me maid, othervise I dont kare
  • No, I am not. I am more bothered by those who have such a problem with it. Instead of being a fault finder.. be a fault fixer. The best way to help those who do not spell well is NOT to critisize but to lead by example and spell correctly.. showing them how things are spelled. I do not like an entire question chopped up by net slang but honestly? It really does not matter to me enough to fuss about it. Let people be or help them in positive ways. There are MANY valid reasonings for someone (adults or young ones) not spelling well.
  • It does bother me to a point because I am an apt speller. I realize that not everyone else is. There are things that I am not so great at so I try not to point out spelling and grammar mistakes to other people.
  • Sometimes I get a bit annoyed over the spelling of simple words like gurl instead of's ONE letter for Pete's sake...but not enough to make a big deal over it. When a question/answer is filled with text speak..the/tha or da, wit/with, etc..I usually don't bother.
  • I'm not a good speller myself so I can understand why many people aren't good spellers. However, I always have a second browser open that I use for googling misspelled words so my posts are usually pretty pristine with correctly spelled words.
  • no but on the other hand I usually try to make sure my spelling is right before I post something
  • it bothers me a little. I am the first to admit that my spelling isn't always perfect but I also get frustrated with others who are worse.
  • If it makes the question hard to understand, then yes.
  • Not very much. Sometimes it is difficult to figure out what they are saying and I feel frustrated in not being able to answer and help. But most of the time, they're readable and I always think it could be that English might not be their primary language or they just aren't very well-schooled. But there are a few that seem more like lazy efforts.
  • Not queit
  • No. I'm more bothered by people who make absolutely no logical sense, regardless of whether they can spell or not.
  • Not at all. I am bothered, however, by people who are unkind. :) Happy Wednesday! :)
  • No, I don't spell well but most people can figure out what i meant. If you are poor at spelling but strong in analytical skill you will probably have some good thoughts and ideas. Hopefully people can read them :)
  • Knott rilly!!
  • I don't mind spelling mistooks - sometimes they are just typos anyway. I do object to text speak though; I won't bother answering questions that I have decipher to understand.
  • yes... 5 a0 ab64t t6 *4nch 0y... oops i left the num lock of the laptop... i said yes i am about to puch myself in the face thanks tor noticing
  • Not really because the human mind is an amazing thing... The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid! Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? yaeh and I awlyas thought slpeling was ipmorantt !.!.!
  • They don't bother me at all. Spelling is not the strong suit of some people. It's the message that matters.
  • Yes. Read a damn dictionary people.
  • English is my second languange..... , forgive me ..LOL
  • No. It's a pain if it's next to undecipherable, but otherwise, as long as the message gets across. I am, however, bothered by people who constantly have to point out spelling or grammatical errors. I don't believe for a second that half of these people are doing this to help anyone as much as they're wanting to elevate themselves intellectually; or so they think anyways. Especially when people start pointing out mistakes during a debate. I find that so laughable, what a trite tactic to use, when it's totally irrelevant to the conversation at hand. Since when should opinions only be accepted through perfect English, and since when does that even confirm wisdom and intelligence? Pfft. No, The Bible does not contain so and so, and by the way, it's your not you're. Shut the HELL up. ^_^
  • No, for one I am not a very good speller, and I also realize that this is an international site and some people my not be native English speakers.
  • no,because I miss spell also..Im more intrested in what they say,or experienced,than spelling.LOve this site,go on to peek,and stay an hour or 2
  • I always consider why they cant spell, they may not be able to write English very well!!
  • Not in the least as I can understand them quite well.
  • i dnot thkin so.....becuaes somtim it will happne
  • Yes, yes, yes, oh god, yes! Nothing screams out ignorance like bad spelling
  • Not as such until it is too much
  • It's more of a distraction for me as I try to work out what they are getting at. I do dislike, however, people who write in what I suppose you'd call txt english.
  • not at all. and i wouldnt DR them for that. because i know there are many people from all of the world congregating here.
  • I cant spell worth a doodoo but what ticks me off is when people talk lik der an freaggin idit n make it impossibel to reed wat day sey.
  • I'm bothered by a society that still produces so many people that can't spell, with so many resources
  • No. I don't have a problem with people who can't spell. But people are Yahoo!Answers are the worse and very judgmental.
  • I'm not a native English speaker and I make many language mistakes myself, both in spelling and grammatical. So I really understand if people are not so good in English and therefore make many mistakes on AB. I actually find it very cute sometimes. (Nothing beats a good 'porn salad' or a 'rice with fried squib' when travelling through SE Asia for example, hehe :) ) But sometimes I'm a little bothered by people who know how to spell but aren't bothered by it themselves. I see it in my own language more and more. It's mostly kids using their own language but sometimes don't even seem to know anymore how a word really should be spelled. Like the example someone gave here in English: using 'gurl' instead of 'girl', things like that. I used to make a column for a magazine in the Netherlands and I got many letters from kids who wanted to be in the magazine. In a part of Belgium they also speak Dutch, so I got Dutch and Belgium letters. The difference between them was pretty bizar. The letters from Belgium kids where almost perfect compared to the Dutch ones. The Dutch ones I sometimes really had to decipher, while the Belgium ones where with some mistakes, but clearly they really tried to do their best on a good spelling. AT least they where in Dutch and not in a language like: 'I w8 4 u' Really makes me wonder what they learn those kids on school these days. It seems that they are not bothered anymore by all the language mistakes of children. (and I'm talking about the age between 10 and 20) At the same time language is always changing. Maybe this is just a part of it and I need to accept it. But something inside of me really can't. ;-)
  • no, not unless their use of English is virtually not understandable.
  • nope... I am one of them
  • I'm bothered by people who can't spell intentionally. Such as people who type a message like they are texting using their cellphone. r u rdy 2 lurn english?
  • Everyone has their stong points and weak points. The fact that they dont let their lack of ability to spell correctly stop them from getting a's and b's tells me they should be admired because alot of people would use that as a crutch
  • Yes, although sometimes, it can prove quite entertaining
  • "Wee hall noe wat theey meen sow wot dus hit mattur" No matter how a sentence is spelt everyone can understand it so whats the problem.
  • It does a little bit, but only because my father was "Conan the Grammarian" and was always correcting our grammar and spelling (my grandmother was also a schoolteacher and principal). I'm a pretty good speller, but I'm not always the best typist. I know I typo a lot. But, as long as I know what the person is trying to say, I don't make an issue about it. My only issue is when it's so bad, I can't understand what the person is trying to ask. The thing I truly find annoying are people who deliberately use "text speak" like "Wut R U going 2 have 4 dinner" or something like that. Grrr!!
  • Yes, very much so!
  • You could say that...LOL
  • No some people type fast others do not know how to spell, however it is the idea that matters not the typing.
  • Insaynlee! LOL JK! (See? Isn't ^--that just hard to look at, let alone read?!) Insanely.
  • Actually yes, but I shouldn't be.
  • I must admit, I am bothered by people who substitute faux-leet speak for already-short words, such as "your", "you", "to", and so on and so forth. There is a big difference between that and misspelling a big word...
  • I'm more bothered by idiots who blindly supported a president who ruined this country for the past 8 years. . Then whine like a lil biotch when a Democrat take over and inherited all the BS the previous administration left. . Why are they complaining now? When it all started back in the year 2000. Like they were saving it until he left office.
  • Nahhhhhhh!!! (lol)
  • I'm bothered by narrow minded bigots who can't think.
  • I make enough mistakes to realise ... I as much as others, we are never perfect ... Why would a simple letter in the wrong place or missing, bother someone? ... Is that not more pathetic than simple errors within spelling?
  • You put Abers i thought you meant the aryan brotherhood you meant answerbag lol I'm a dipshit. Well now there are these squiggly red lines to help us with that playa <---and if i would of put "player" it wouldn't of sounded as hood son.
  • No. I myself make plenty and it is purely because I am normally in a hurry.
  • It's not even so much the spelling as it is the grammar. I can't stand seeing an answer, or even a question phrased like "So d0 U l1ke 2 sl33p?!". It makes me long for the time when Answerbag had first started out, and wasn't a dumping ground for every ridiculous question under the sun.
  • How petty can one get? I am bothered by ABer's who cannot think.
  • No I think its funny.
  • not really
  • Not if they are trying their best or English is a second language for them.
  • And do you want to know why PRIMARILY????? Because it can oftentimes change the entire meaning of their answers and/or queries!
  • If i can understand them i don't really mind.
  • My American Heritage Dictionary is always beside my computer. I had rather take about two minutes to check my dictionary for the correct spelling of a word, than to show my ignorance to the world.
  • i am not at all bothered but some people get bothered by it !!
  • as a slisdexic i heva toruble wiht my wordy it deos get me in semo toruble
  • On a site where people have to ask questions, I am bothered by those people who do not seem to know how to formulate a question. There are many people who seem to feel you form a question by making a statement, preceding it with 'Why' and putting a question mark on the end. I have seen this so often that it does seem to be a pattern. As an example:- Why the sky is blue?
  • I wud be luving it i realy wud
  • Enormously.
  • Oh yeah, yep.
  • Not really, but I am bothered by people who seem to take pride in their inability to spell.
  • Nope nobody is purfect and everyone makes misstakes.
  • It depends upon what is not spelled correctly. I can see that while typing in haste a word can be butchered. And if they truly can't spell, then I imagine they'd have quite an arduous time on AB; because someone would indubitably rub their face in it. :)
  • I am a terrible speller. I am glad I have spell check to help me with my spelling. Though it does miss a few still. I grew up in the age of memorization and lack of phonics. Unfortunately is was not good for me. Thank goodness for spell check.

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