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  • thinking about do you know someone well enough to start a relationship without being friends first?
  • i think that's the only smart way to go.
  • Yes, because if the relationship endures over time, eventually in old age you wind up, if you're lucky, just being friends.
  • Not for me. Once I classify a girl as a friend, it's kind of hard to think of them in a sexual/relationship way.
  • From my experience; No. I dated my ex for 2.5 years... we weren't friends previously. I've dated my current for 4 months. We were friends before, and we argue a lot. ;/
  • I would say aquaintances.
  • No, once your in the friend zone it's a life sentence, at least that's what I've experieced
  • I never could understand the...."Let's be friends first then...." I must be the only wierd dude here because I never dated a woman with whom I became friend first. And never called my woman "my friend". My woman is my woman and my friends are my friends. I never told a woman I had feelings for: "I want to be your friend". No, that's a lie! I don't want to be your "friend" I want to be your man and I want you to be my woman. Is there a chance? That's it!
  • good question. definite 2 point of view on it. i think it can go either way, i've had people that have been mates that have said they have liked me for ages when i've been oblivious to it. I've liked mates before too. Presently there's a guy i like who i'm fairly certain likes me, he's a bit confused right now and wants to be friends but i think its with the view to develop more later on. Maybe its just his way of keeping things chilled with no expectations.... personally i've decided i have no idea about anything to do with relationships anymore. they're too tough. Why is it such a big deal, if you like each other what's there to be confused about?? sorry ranting a bit now :/
  • no because i just think that the chemistry isnt right if you can be just friends to begin with,i think you should just leave it at that
  • it means the chremistry between you isnt quite right, if youre able to be just friends first
  • yes I'd say yes
  • I think it is best to be friends, meaning you are just getting to know them without falling in love. How painful to already be in love and find out that they aren't what kind of person you want or can live with forever. So I think that people make the common mistake in moving too quick into being a couple and forget that friendship is the foundation of all long lasting friendships. You can be friends forever that way and be each other's best friend for life. A spouse SHOULD be your good friend and it's too difficult to go back and pick that side of the relationship up if it wasn't there to begin with.
  • Absolutely, there would be a lot less heartache and divorces. People need to take their time getting to someone before they ask them out, to see if you would be compatible.
  • I think that it is because you get to know the person first and then that will help decide if you would want a relationship with that person.
  • i dont know. yes and no. no as in everyone has a past. Typically you know all your friends crazy stories, you know about their ex's, you know about that one night know how the cheated on that one person... basically if you start dating a friend you'll always have this hang up of their skeletons in the closet, or at least I would. I know about Ryan's past because we knew each other for a year before we started dated but not really. We basically dont talk about ex's and we dont know EVERYTHING...which for me has been really lovely. I dont wanna know about some chick he DID one night and never talked to again. I want to pretend like I'm his first...sue me! lol I dated a guy who knew me for years and years and he never let me forget about my past. It drove me nuts.
  • Strangers first, then acquaintances, then friends, then bye-bye, you're too boring.
  • I'm sure that would work for some people, and be a disaster for others. For me, I think it's fine to know the person a little bit - but being close friends just doesn't work.
  • don't think so... if you break up, you will lose that friend if it ended badly.. or even if it didn't they could act strange around you now.. just not worth it in the long run.
  • I'd like to think so.
  • I'd like to think so

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