• Are you talking about a repaired foundation? If the foundation is slab-on-grade, it is susceptible to being moved by the ground beneath. Soils swell and shrink as the moisture content changes. Uneven swelling or shrinking spots under the foundation will eventually cause the foundation to crack. When this happens, it's a matter of a few years before the home is fatally damaged. Foundations can be repaired to a certain degree by either placing piers beneath the foundation or by drilling through the foundation to insert steel beams or cables and then placing the steel under high tension, compressing the foundation to a good approximation of what it once was. A damaged foundation indicates problems that future homeowners usually do not want to face, lowering resale value.
  • I'm actually referring to a home's basement walls which have tipped in due to pressure from the surrounding dirt (home was built in the 60's). I'm wondering if future buyers will be put off by the look of the beams on all the walls or if they will be afraid there is something wrong (when in actuality the steel beams are stronger than the original foundation). Any thoughts?

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