• Knowledge. Put yourself on a deserted island, one that could only support you for several months. You have to find a way off of that island to keep living. Which will serve you better, imagination or knowledge? Oh, yes. With some imagination, you might think of a way to escape. On the other hand, you might not. Isn’t it true that much of what we imagine is not true, not real, and will never happen. That is why science is based for the most part on knowledge; science fiction is for the most part based on the imagined. True, through the use of their imaginations, some individuals have invented some marvelous things. Is it not true though that those inventors had a deep knowledge of the market, peoples needs, their business field, their product line, and their specific field before they even began experimenting? Look at Newton or Einstein. They were creative thinkers, but first they gained a deep knowledge of the subject that they would explore deeper. If you gain the knowledge of how to get off of the island, now you are ready to goto work. We might say that knowledge emboldens our imagination, or empowers it, The two are not opposites, indeed they work hand in hand together, pushing ever forward. Imagination is great, and gives a more romantic answer here, but Consider this, people like yourself come to Answerbag for answer, knowledge, not imagination. Give it a try, answer someone’s serious question here by picking out some wonderful inventive thought out of your imagination. You will get ripped, the people come here to tap into someone else’s knowledge. Imagination is nice, Imagination is important. I would never want to have to “choose only one”. If I had to though, I would choose knowledge.
  • I imagine knowledge.
  • Imagination. WIthout imagination, we wouldn't have ideas, and Ideas can change the world. Without ideas, we can not achieve more knowledge anyway. Knowledge can lead to inspiration, which can lead to imagination, which leads to ideas, and then more knowledge. It is useful to have both, but how will we move forward in knowledge without the imagination? And lets face it, without imagination, the world would be a very boring and miserable place.
  • Both! Without imagination there can be no knowledge and vise versa! All things come from an idea, and that is the key to both knowledge and imagination!
  • I believe imagination. Imagination creates new knowledge.
  • Imagination. Knowledge can't work without it.
  • Well I live in my imagination, sometimes I wish I didn't but when I meet little kids that have less of an imagination than me it makes me sad...:( IMAGINATION!!!
  • "Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere." - Albert Einstein
  • Imagination, without it, knowledge is useless and will never grow.
  • I suppose knowledge is better, but not as much fun as imagination can be!
  • The better is that we only imagine that we are knowledgeable
  • mmmmmmmm a little bit of both but if I had to pick i'd say knowledge

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