• When a processor is interrupted to do a particular task,Program counter should be loaded with the the address of subroutine(task).If the processor automatically generates the address then it is known as vectored interrupt.for example if 8085 microprocessor is interrupted through RST 5.5 pin,then processor multiplies 5.5 by 8 and converts it to Hex address.If user has to provide address of subroutine using CALL instruction then it is known as non vectored interrupt
  • In a computer, a vectored interrupt is an I/O interrupt that tells the part of the computer that handles I/O interrupts at the hardware level that a request for attention from an I/O device has been received and and also identifies the device that sent the request. A vectored interrupt is an alternative to a polled interrupt , which requires that the interrupt handler poll or send a signal to each device in turn in order to find out which one sent the interrupt request.
  • •Vectored (the address of the service routine is hard-wired) •Non-vectored (the address of the service routine needs to be supplied externally by the device)

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