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  • thou shall not travel faster than light.
  • What exactly is the theory of relativity? The SRT explains behavior of Light Quanta. =========.. Light Quantum and Electron is one particle. 1. Into Maxwell's equations density of a charge/electron and speed of light quantum simultaneously enter. How they are interconnected? 2. SRT has grown from Maxwell's theory that is electron should enter into SRT. As ruler of measurement in SRT the quantum of light serves. How they are interconnected? 3. Everybody knows, that an electron is not a firm sphere. Everybody knows, that its form can be changed. But nobody understands the borders of the change of the geometrical form of the electron. So, what are the borders of this change? Quantum theory gives an answer to this question. Quantum theory says that at the interaction of the electron with the vacuum, the energy and mass of it become infinite. It means that “ The law of conservation and transformation energy” is broken. Unless can it be? No. Physics does not understand what to do with infinite sizes and therefore have thought up "a method of renormalization", a method "to sweep the dust under the carpet" / Feynman./ This method is abstract. But the situation can be understood another way. Electrons, having the geometrical form of a sphere, lose their volume (density) and turn into an indefinitely flat circle. In this is the reason for the occurrence of infinite sizes for the electron. But in physics we know only one particle which has the form of a flat circle. It is a quantum of light which flies rectilinearly with speed c= 1. Therefore, the electron turns into a quantum of light. Therefore, the electron and /or a quantum of light is the same particle in different states. 4. It is proved, when electron leaves atom, its electric field changes. The spherical field will be transformed to an ellipse field. And in process of his removal the ellipse field is more and more extended. And in a limit (at the moment of breaking-off ) the electron gets the form of a string. (String theory). Therefore, electron can have the different geometrical forms: circle, ellipse, sphere , string. 5. In the books it is written, that electrons interact among themselves with the help of a quantum of light. In the books it is written that an electron in an atom passing from one orbit to another radiates a quantum of light. It should be understood as follows. The electron has a quantum of light in a “pocket” or under a "shirt" which it gives freedom from time to time. Why is it necessary for the electron to hide a quantum of light? It is Interesting, what feeling tests electron when it carries on itself a light quantum? 6. Electron is a particle and wave simultaneously , because it can change its parameters. Quantum of light is a particle and wave simultaneously. Can be and the quantum of light is also capable to change? In the book " Isaac Newton " Soviet academician S. I. Vavilov wrote: " For photons with extremely fast fluctuations, superior the certain meaning, on experience is observed the remarkable phenomenon of transformation them in … … …electron. Undoubtedly as well return process. " ======== .. ======= Best wishes. Israel Sadovnik. / Socratus.
  • The fundamental paradox of special relativity is that the speed of light is constant no matter how fast you move. According to galilean velocity transformations, if I move 3 m/s with light, then the light will look as though it moves c-3 m/s rather than c m/s. However this is not the case. Using this fact and some basic calculus and algebra you can derive special relativity. Intuitively, when you learn special relativity it is important to know that the most important thing between different "perspectives" is that "what happens" is always the same. Make sure that when you think of scenarios to test that you use every "rule" of relativity to do everything. When comparing a sequence of events from two different reference frames, you must always "translate" events using something called the lorentz transformation, which essentially shifts information from one reference frame to another without spoiling the order in which CAUSAL events happen. If two events have no effect on eachother, then it makes no difference in which order they happen. However, if a bandit shoots the sherrif, it is impossible for the sherrif to die before the bandit can shoot him.

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