• Silence comes before listening. You must be silent before you can truly listen.
  • You've been eating too many cheerios. Oh, sorry, I thought you said physiological...
  • Every problem contains its own solution.
  • We have only 26 letters with which to work..I don't know what the mathematical maximum number of words would be from that sparse base, but I believe there would be thousands of words that one could point to and find the same result....happenstance, coincidence, inevitability rather than design..that's how I see it! You have File and Life...Evil and Live...perhaps being alive means one has the potential for evil? I don't know..I don't think so! :) Happy Friday! :)
  • When someone asks for people to be silent, they want a stillness or a quite harmony, that could be for many reasons. When someone asks for someone to listen, they want silence from you but not silence completely (For you're listening for/to something, hence listen) To be able to listen, you have to be silent. The two go hand in hand in that manner(kinda ironic that they use the same letters), but to be silent you do not have to listen at all. If you observe someone who is listening, they are silent and focused on what they're listening too, absorbing information. Someone who may just be silent is demonstrating a kind of stillness; they may not be taking anything in from their surroundings, unlike listeners. So stillness and silence go together too in a sense, stillness is closer in the way it is spelt out to silent then to listen, appropriate, because when you're silent apposed from listening, you act still to events happening around you, if that makes any sense?
  • Calls up the saying: 'God is a dog spelt backwards'
  • No, it's just coincidence. 'Vile' contains the same letters as 'evil', 'god' and 'dog', etc. etc.. I don't know how many of these examples exist, but given we only have 26 letters with which to express ourselves, there are bound to be these quirks of language in English.
  • No. My mind temporarily shifted to stillness.

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