• He might be anywhere from 50-100, but he only looks like he is in his late 20's though, he might be in his 30's or 40's.
  • He was about 60 when first created, so he'd be around 100 - 110 now.
  • I don't think Stan Lee even knows Wolverine's true age.
  • In terms of storyline, I believe he was born late 18th - early 19th century (around 1800). As for the date the character was created, pass.. plenty of sources for Marvel trivia out there.
  • "As shown in the limited series Origin, the character known as Wolverine was born in 19th century Canada to rich plantation owners as James Howlett. He grows into manhood on a mining colony in Northern Alberta, adopting the name Logan." this makes him somewhere between 100 and 200 years old *
  • well if i remember the shows he was ninteen in world war 1 so he would be around 110. and was born in 1895
  • According to the story line Wolverine: The end (yes it is published and no he doesn't die in the end, just sleeps) his brother, a mutant known as God (who has powers like deadpool) says, " I've followed you with great interest, james. A hundred and eighty-five years to be exact." The story of Wolverine ends just a few days later on, so I guess thats it, that's the answer...185 days...
  • According to the story line Wolverine: The end (yes it is published and no he doesn't die in the end, just sleeps) his brother, a mutant known as God (who has powers like deadpool) says, " I've followed you with great interest, james. A hundred and eighty-five years to be exact." The story of Wolverine ends just a few days later on, so I guess thats it, that's the answer...185 days...
  • born in the 19th cent so he is way older than 60 something so I think the other guy is close with 110+ i dont know the math read origin it will clear things up and when I looked up refences it said he was born in the late 19th cent and late 18th cent in the same page wiki is crazy like that

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