• Do you know why cat's have nine lives -- or did you ever wonder why people say they do? Well, let me tell you. A very hungry cat entered a house one day and found a plate of nine fish that were going to be eaten for dinner by the nine starving children who lived there. The cat was feeling a little selfish that day and ate up all of the fish in nine quick bites. With no food on the table, the nine starving children died of hunger the very next day, along with the cat who died from eating WAY too much. When the cat went up to heaven and spoke with God, God was so angry with the cat that he threw him out of heaven and made him fall for nine days all the way back to earth. To this day, the cat still holds the nine lives of the starving children in his belly, which is why he must die nine different times before he will stay dead. How do I know that, you ask? Well, I recently took a trip to Eatonville, a town just north of Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Eatonville is the first incorporated, individually governed black town in the United States. When I was there, walking around the quiet streets, I talked to some people who told me some stories about a very famous woman who once grew up there-Zora Neale Hurston. Zora, it turns out, was an influential African-American writer who became famous during the early parts of the 20th century for her narratives about southern black folklore, of which the story about a cat's nine lives is a part.
  • the origin of all things is the mind everything around us is our own doing our own thoughts this world only exsists the way it does is because we believe it so strongly... we use what ten percent of our brains what power does the other 90 percent hold? the law of attraction if you believe without adoubt that something is yours then whos stopping you from having it...look at everthing around you even the computer your staring at. these things are in your life not because it fell into your lap they are there because you saw yourself having these things you made them your thing you make your whole life and yet you feel so out of control sometimes

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