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  • Soberness
  • The blues and stress!
  • sobriety, uncontrollable motivation...
  • Boredom, nervousness, grouchiness, and the least thats what I use it for. If I remember right, it has not been proven to CURE any ailment, just make it more tolerable.
  • Marijuana is a cure for intelligence. Removes most all symptoms over time.
  • Marijuana does not cure anything that I am aware of. However, it does help reduce or eliminate nausea. I know many cancer and AIDS patients who use it to help get over the side effect of nausea from their treatment. Sometimes the nausea caused by medication and treatment is so bad that the person cannot maintain adequate nutrition. I have also heard from one person that it can help with pain but I have only heard that from the one person. The nausea thing is well documented. Some people are prescribed medicinal marijuana for nausea. I also remember that it helps with glaucoma by reducing pressure in your eyes. It also helps with opiate and alcohol withdrawal. ----------edit Here is a good link: I found in that link that it does help with pain and it can help patients with multiple sclerosis (that is new to me). This is a good link because it explores BOTH the pros and cons of smoking marijuana and why. Here is another interesting link:
  • Medical tests have "apparently " proven that it is good for the heart. however in the same breath they then tell you that it kills off brain cells at an alarming rate.
  • it doesnt cure anything. it is just something to get you out of a depressive moment. it doesnt cure unemployment. it doesnt cure the munchies. its benefits are temporary.
  • Marijuana can cure you of having to remember things, smelling clean, being concious of what's going on around you and not being hungry.
  • I dont know about cure, but my ex is Bi-polar, and it helped him, control his mood swings..
  • yeah its used to suppress nausea, and "stimulate appetite" (A.K.A. give the munchies to :D) people who are on chemotherapy or AIDS treatment
  • Check out this video. In the middle of it is a list of ailments marijuana can help with. either in the prevention, cure, or easing of pain. You will also find the news spot from MSNBC talking about how cannabis is an effective treatment for ADD and ADHD, with fewer side effects than ritalin!
  • I have RSD type 2 For me it allows me to eat, and actually keep food down. My pain meds make me so sick that I cannot keep anything down. It eases some of the pain too. I am highly sensative to all pain meds and finding one that actually works and doesn't make me sick has been very hard. If it wasn't for MJ I would be not only in pain but sick from not being able to eat. It aids in my sleep as well. some of the medication I have to take keeps me awake and MJ counteracts it. Sleep is also a very important part of controlling my pain and helping with the stress levels keeping me from depression. MJ isn't just used for pain control, it helps a little with my pain, but mostly it helps with my diet and keeping me mentally healthy. It won't cure my RSD but it can hopefully aid in sending it into remission.

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