• Yes and no. When followed as the book directs, I believe it's basically a low calorie diet with few carbs and processed foods. However, it all goes to hell when ppl are eating just fatty meats and processed low carb foods.
  • I tried the Atkins - among many other diets! The problem is way too much acidity. Now that there is a healthier alternative to getting protein - which is what it takes to burn fat quickly. I discovered it only when a friend lost weight without craving food or losing muscle. I felt I'd discovered a miracle. If you want to learn more or contact me look at my website at
  • Funny, according to the news, the Atkins diet was the most successful in taking and KEEPING weight off. Most people's blood pressure dropped as did their cholesterol. This surprised many doctors as they thought it would go up. The problem is many people still buy the fat = fat. Not the sugar = fat, which is what Atkins is teaching. But ask yourself this, what would happen to those products/companies who use sugar if suddenly it was proven to be bad for you?
  • Most people who think the diet is idiotic haven't read the book or they are uninformed about the health benefits. I don't think it's an idiotic diet. In fact, it's one of the easiest ways to remove excess bodyfat. I think Atkins' is a lot easier than counting calories or weighing portions. Most people don't even have to worry about calories when they are on Atkins'. If a person isn't taking in excess carbohydrates, the body can access fat stores for energy. Additionally, the Atkins' diet typically raises the good HDL cholesterol, lowers the triglycerides, and the LDL stays the same or increases but is the fluffy harmless kind. People with Type II Diabetes may completely reverse their symptoms on Atkins'. If a person has high blood pressure and follows Atkins' they will have to go off of their medication.
  • Read a book on fitness for health . My husband is a fitness trainer and in this book tells that Atkins had heart problems. Stay away I would say of this diet for long term.
  • The American Dietetic Association, pretty much any nutritionist, any doctor with decent nutrition knowledge, your bones, most of your internal organs, and your blood. Obviously, your body doesn't "think".
  • It was in part perhaps money driven since the Atkins family owned 1/5 of the bovines livestocks in the U.S. But perhaps he did believed in it to some extend since it was found from medical record leaks that Dr Atkins, had coronary artery disease, high blood pressure, a history of heart attacks, and weighed at around 200 lbs when he died in 2003. Who's the next idiot that wanted to follow his footstep?
  • My son is in the third year of a biochemistry/microbiology double major. In high school, he did a ridiculously long report on the Atkins diet. Within reason, the diet can be made to work with minimal side effects. The problem was that some people thought it gave them license to go on the all bacon diet. It was also a brutal diet to stay on, especially in the first phase. It was said that you could tell when somebody was successful with the first phase because their breath smelled like death. But most people never completed the first phase.

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