• I have never, ever given a single thought to this subject.
  • oh my god NONE!!!! i can not stand it when people make gross grunting and heavy breathing noises when they eat....just slow down and chew your damn food like a human!!!
  • I hate hate hate hearing people eat...smackers, slurpers, ugh!! disgusting...
  • I love this question. I get annoyed easily and don't know why but when I hear any liquid being poured ( especially if they do it on TV) it drives me nuts. Crazy huh? Also people eating popcorn and not just the eating part but when they dig in the bowl or makes a weird scratchy sound. Therapy right:)...?
  • I can't stand *hearing* people eating. Even thinking about it. It drives me insane.
  • Kalunk is the worst noise I can tolerate in my own mouth. It generally means i have bitten into a stone. Karang, means something metal. And OhhhOWWWW means I bit my tongue again. Screaming I dont like to do. But sometimes it is necessary. and then a burp which is not a chewing noise but is associated with chewing noises can be funny if it is processed into a word or a sentence. LOL.
  • We should start a support group lol I thought I was the only one that got annoyed when I heard slurping, chewing, loud swallowing, etc. it drives me nuts!!! I'm not alone!
  • well, actually i don't tolerate any! I hate all sounds related to eating, chewing, swallowing and drinking .. I think I have a phobia ..
  • None. It really IS possible to eat without making noise!
  • On a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest...about a 3....I HATE chewing noises!!
  • so long as the chew with their mouths closed I don't have a problem...
  • VERY little, it makes my stomach turn.
  • i can't if i hear it, it irks me out. seriously, i'll get twitchy if i hear it...ugh
  • Only my husbands noises, cant stand them. We quit smoking a few months ago, and he still eats sunflower seeds like crazy, drives me nuts! Cant stand them.
  • Depends on the person. If its just a friend I'll smack them. But if I have to be nice to them so I can get them alone later to kill them, I'll tell them I love it when they do that.
  • Up until now I thought I was just intolerant but I see that I am not alone! I cannot stand bad table manners. After working all afternoon on a nice meal for my family it urks me silly when the obscene eating noises start flowing so freely from my husband and if we are eating out it is down right embarrassing to be at the same table. If you EVER run into us feel free to mention it to him as there is nothing I can say to have him improve his table manners...
  • Ugh, I hate the sound of people chewing and eating. Slurping, lip smacking, the sound of food moving inside someone's mouth...makes me lose my apetite. I can't tolerate much at all.
  • Ugh, loud chewing noises are gross. I'm a fan of the OM NOM NOM NOM but anything more than that or chewing with an open mouth is an issue
  • Nice question. There are many people who forget good manners such as eating and talking at the same time and even when they don't talk and eat it looks like a mining factory where they are crushing stones. Other when they eat it looks like a Stravinsky concert played on an old scratched LP player. I hate sitting on the same table with those kinds of people. (+4) for this nice question.
  • I hate eating people eat, seriously. I'm stupid that way.

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