• You are actually supposed to get a booster of MMR every 10 years. So, you can absolutely get one later in life. My last MMR was when I was 26. I guess it's time to get another one. You should also get a tetanus booster every 10 years.
  • It can be given later in life. MMR is a vaccine of controversy because of the potential link to autism. With my children I do not start vaccinating until 2 years and use an alternate schedule at that time. If you are concerned speak to your pediatrician if he/she is one that says its 100% safe just do it, call around I went through 4 before I found one who would actually answer my questions and ask her own in return not just dictate to me. As for the MMR in my opinion wait, do some research and when you do decide to do it Get it in 3 separate shots, and yes they do come like that. My schedule is Mumps 6months later rubella and 6 months measles. I will be back later to send you a link to some great info.

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