• He was illiterate.
  • Jesus, greek name(Yeshua or yashua ?birth given name) Is The Son of God, Messiah .He was THE WORD.
  • I would say, He was/is the "word" that was written about :o)
  • The story about Jesus is a touching and inspiring story. But is it historically true? Did it actually happen? Any past event which has been touted as historically true is subjected to [literal] interpretation. But literal interpretation-we all know- requires [rationality]. At times, metaphorical stories are used to convey masseges which are sometimes difficult to grasp any other way; but the story itself doesn't have to be true. Consequently, they don't need to be subjected to literal interpretation. If we were told that the story of Jesus is a metaphorical story with a deeply embedded massege cardinal to human spiritual development then, again, we wouldn't have to worry about literal interpretation; and instead, we would concern ourselves with trying to discern what the massege is and what it means. And most likely we wouldn't be having this argument. But that's not what we are told! We're told that the whole fable about this hero of men is literally true. And that is problematic, because then when we submit the story to rationality--the best and only human criterion we possess to judge things--the story doesn't tally with the report of reason. One discover, after loosing the fear to research, that all is paramount absurdity, an insult to one's intelligence and a mockery to the human spirit. Notice all of the different answers we have given to this question and many others involving Jesus. But notice the discrepancy among all of them. Now, which one of our answers is the right one, and who is to say? If Jesus was--in the literal sense--a historical figure, all of our answers would have been somewhat consistent; and the variations, if any, would be of little significance. But the discrepancy and inconsistance are due to the fact that our answers don't come from any [historical records] that would support the claim. In fact, this lack of historical records about a purported man who parachuted himsel from the sky to so bravely save us, has been precisely the nightmare of religious scholars. It's quite interesting that any other historical figure has a verifiable field of enquiring thereby except our SUPERSAVIOR. Interestingly, the response often given to this argument by the defenders of this doctrine is that Jesus was a [historical] figure yet [divine]. And since "DIVINITY"--they say--transcends all logical explanation, and our mortal cognitive range is limited, then we can't possibly [know] those things. So there you have it. We cannot have any verifiable [knowledge] about wether or not our SUPERHERO was real. So what do the preacher tells us when or if we rase this issue? Well he doesn't really have the answer so most likely he would make a little story of his own and/or he would simply say: 'Just close your eyes real tight and believe He was. In Jesus' name, amen' Love y'all. Peace!
  • In those times it wasn't common for people to learn to write. They had 'scribes' whose job it was to read and write, but it was something they were trained for as a matter of career, as it wasn't considered necessary for the majority of people to do so.
  • I'm not a Christian. However, it seems to me it gives him more credibility. Look at the Buddha. Krishna. They didn't write anything and they have millions of followers. On the other hand, look at L. Ron Hubbard. He's a laughing stock to the majority of the world.
  • what should He write? they had the 10 commandments and the OT....He had the Gospil writers later to record His life, etc. and if He did write anything, the atheists and others denying Him would deny that it came from Him.
  • If He had, would that make His teachings and claims more or less credible? He was a rabbi who taught His disciples as other rabbis taught their disciples: by example, and it was for His disciples to be just like Him, and then to teach others to be just like them.
  • He could have but we have no record of it and the gospels were written after St. Paul. St. Paul came after Jesus.
  • because he was a Myth created by men, yes there is a slim chance there might have been and ordinary man named Jesus but thats all he was ordinary man and nothing more. Its in the same vein as Zeus or Apollo.. they never wrote anything down either nor did any of the other hundreds of so called gods down through mans history... funny that don't you think that not ONE deity ever wrote anything down themselves always left it up to others to write down what they supposedly said and in 99% of the cases many many many years after these so called gods died
  • Jesus had a keen insight on human behavior, I think. He understood that with written texts the reader is apt to put more importance on the words than on the meaning of the message. And he had super crappy handwriting.
  • Writing wasn't very easy back then. Even God, Jesus', father had to chip out words in tablets of stone. Very slow and tedious work to put words down in written form.
  • He was a carpenter 2000+ years ago, do you really think he could write?
  • As far as we know, he didn't. But who is to say for sure, that he didn't? Yet if he was the Son of God, as so many INSIST that he was, then he would've known that folks would be writing about him, extensively. Or maybe he just didn't know, hmmm?
  • Because he was the man and everybody wanted to write about the man. He was too busy being the man to write stuff down. I always wonder why there are no writings from the ladies?
  • Because he wasn't saying anything new. All his teachings are pretty much word-for-word taken from Pharisaic writings.
  • His message was all about action. Writing it would be something of an oxymoron.
  • We do not know. No known writings of Jesus exist. The Gospels clearly tell of Jesus reading from the Jewish Scriptures in the synagogue. The story of the woman caught in adultery in John 9:1-11 speaks of Jesus writing on the ground: With love in Christ.
  • This is an interesting question and something that we can't take out of the Bible but of our own imagination. I would say it doesn't have the same impact when I write about myself that I flew to Heaven, then when someone who I'm not even related to plus other 500 say that they saw me fly to heaven. If you know what I mean.
  • Pretty smart move, right? Like paying cash if you're a mobster--don't leave a trail. I don't mean to be offensive, I'm actually serious here. Think about how people idolize relics, thus missing the real importance of what those relics symbolize. It would be a shame if Jesus' message were etched into cold stone (as it were). As it IS, we have to search for it in a maze of ambiguities and contradiction--there are four different gospels, for goodness sake (and that's just counting the canonized ones)! That MEANS something and it's important. Jesus can't be pinned down or boxed in.
  • Great question. Why don't you try asking him?
  • i think he may have signed the contract to be used as a mascot . for a new idea for a religion based on the pagans , just changed a bit to profit from it . then probably signed an agreement to keep silent about the plan to kill off the pagans and other faiths , and call everything their own . the lies and cola war tactics . etc.... maybe he was gonna spill the beans , , and that's what really happened to him ? ;-)
  • the scriptures , the New Testament, are about Jesus' preaching THE GOOD NEWS...which took the last three and a half years of his life...he would not have had enough time to write. And what sort of ego would it take to write about himself. The last of the Bible, REVELATION, was written by the last of the original 12 apostles, John, when in his late 90's.It tells our future.
  • How many people of His time (excepting Julius Caesar and Cicero) other than writers actually wrote anything that has lasted to our time. Even most written works from classical times are know only from references in other works. That said, most teachers of the time had their words and works passed down by their students (disciples).
  • Jesus was the front man - that's why he had his gang of twelve with him - to write down his speeches, canvas the neighborhood, lay the groundwork on things, be his security, pay the bills, put up posters, and so on. High powered guys like Jesus don't "write things", they dictate to subordinates who actually set pen to paper - or in this case - charcoal to sheepskin. Remember, he lived like a rock star - dying young while at the top of his fame - if he had lived into old age he would have most likely written his magnum opus on life, the universe and everything...if not a first century version of Kitty Kelly would have done something like that for him. Remember - most of those who he entertained were illiterate anyway - doing a book wouldn't have been a big seller to his fan base anyway as only one in maybe 10 could read it - so written words were not a priority at that stage in his career - promotion and brand recognition was the big thing they were pushing. First you develop the fan base, then you mobilize them and use them to seek new converts to your ideology...this is the traditional way to get power and be in a position to wield it. These aren't new merchandising ideas - they are as old as history and I'm sure He understood them well. Anyway - Jesus didn't get to write anything because his campaign peaked too soon and by overextending himself he ran afoul of the local establishment and they killed him before his power base had been finished and was ready to cover his butt properly. Jesus is a victim of his own ego - he did too much - too soon - and it bit him in the ass in the end - which happens a lot in history when you come to think about it.
  • , God usally always does his work through people His nature is very personal
  • The man god Jesus was not from the upper class that had an opportunity to learn how to read and write. He was a simple carpenter that did not need to know how to read and write. Also, less than 10 percent of the population knew how to read and write at that time in history and for many, many centuries after that. So, Jesus would have been one of those people that fell into that category as well. Also, if you look at what he said, the man stated that he was going to return not long after his supposed resurection. Yes, that is what he said !Therefore, would he have needed to write anything down? People who promote this fiction tend to ignore this fact when telling the story.
  • ImaCatholic2. I bet you didn't know the symbol that you use was a pagan symbol the church took to promote their story.Just as many other ideas,dates, and symbols that were pagan were incorporated into the church to convince the dumb masses to believe. Do your research and you will see what I am talking about!
  • Jesus Christ received direct training from this Father before coming down to earth. the training he received was for reaching out to the jewish nation and restoring many to a righteous position before God. his ministry only lasted three and a half years. in that short time he accomplished what no other man has been able to do. first of all he said he had been sent to declare the good news of the kingdom. he taught by example, because this is the best way to help others see that the message he had was a very valid one. as future king of God's kingdom he also proved he was very capable of ruling others. he proved that God's kingdom is the only government worthy of confidence. he did this when he performed the miracles of curing the sick, lame, blind, even resurrecting the dead. all this was a display of what this kingdom will one day soon accomplish. the work Jesus accomplished throughout judea was all on foot. he may have been ablo to use a better mode of transportation, but the best way to give individualized help to others was to reach out to them, and seek out many as he approached them. the bible tells us that he accomplished many many more feats but all the books in the entire world could not contain everything he did. therefore it was not up to jesus to record what he said or miracles he performed. this was left up to eyewitnesses. thinking about it, isn't this more believable when someone testifies as to what someone else accomplishes? if Jesus did not write down anything it is not because he was not literate. the jewish nation was one that no matter the trade great emphasis was placed on educating its citizens. much more reason to believe that God's perfect Son was very literate and highly intelligent. for more information go to
  • If I wrote a "gospel", story, whatever, about myself and it had everything in it that Jesus did, would ya believe it? He let the eye witnesses write what they saw&heard
  • If he did, it has yet to be discovered. +5

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