• when you dont feel anything no pain no love nothing..
  • If you have love, but its not being returned, then its time to leave. If he has love and you really don't care then its time to leave. If you both don't care, then that easy, time to seperate. I still care about an ex, though she may or may not care about me. I even moved to be with her and it just ended up being a waste of time and money. She got used to me always being there and took me for granted. Eventually, after several attempy to purchase a wedding ring with her or at least discuss it. I chose to leave. I honestly can't say if she stopped caring or if she ever really did love me.
  • For me it is when I have doubts I can't work out. Love takes two working together, when one does not continue to work then to me it is over and should not stick around. Life is much too short to be unhappy.
  • when you have to ask that question
  • when you have had enough and you cant take it any longer and you know there is something better waiting for you
  • When everybody DRs you
  • The sh***y way he makes you feel, but all of the time. That's when you leave.
  • 1. When he screams "Uncle". 2. When the audience has gone deathly silent, and you hear a quiet cough from the back row. 3. When the victorious music starts playing in the background, and for some reason, you start walking in slow motion.
  • If it's over, you'll know. Whether you admit it or not is another issue. When there is no hope of reasoning, when there is nothing left to salvage and/or one or the other just doesn't care to try any more. For most people, you just know.
  • The same thing I told Anonymous ( )... Either he's manipulating you, or you are manipulating YOURSELF into believing things are salvagable. When is it time to leave? When YOU don't "feel the love" anymore... FOR him, or FROM him. When you feel you are "stuck" - fear of being alone, fear that he will hurt himself, fear that you are not worthy of a more loving relationship, fear of the unknown... When the love you feel for him isn't being returned in kind. When he tells you your dreams and goals are worthless or unrealistic, and you KNOW better. When you are asking relative strangers on a Q&A site if it's time. Based on prior questions and what I DO know of you (from them and other answers), you already know... You are afraid to be alone, and just don't want to HAVE to make the final decision. You MAY even be trying to drive him away from you, so HE makes the decision, and you don't have to. You want us to make it for you, but even then, all we can give is advice. YOU have to take the plunge. You will find someone else. You felt the same (that you wouldn't) before, right?... And yet you found him. Now it's time to move on and find someone even better. (((((HUGS, Jen)))))
  • When the love you give isn't equal to the love you receive. Or when it doesn't make you feel good anymore.
  • Probably when it becomes a burden rather then a luxary. It shouldn't makes things more difficult, it should make things easier.
  • when you just say im out, and you feel like there is nothing else you could do. and dont mix love and comfort. just because your used to the person doesnt mean you love him.
  • you just know ... and then you start your DABDA! ... denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance ... ;-) ...
  • When you become insensitive to things ,once you cared about :) !
  • when it is no longer in your best interest to remain... kids complicate that equasion
  • When you fight more than you don't. When you don't think of the other person first, for everything. When you don't care as much as you used to.
  • When you are asking if it is time to walk away from a relationship...
  • When the sex is no good anymore.
  • When you take a time out and realize that you can live your life without's always sad even if you realize this, simply because the dream is over.
  • When the good outweighs the bad. Relationships are like scales- they must be balanced.
  • when you try and try and its getting you no where. thats when its over. it becomes waisted time.
  • You know it in your heart
  • When you feel you want to clamp tight your hands around his/her neck until his/her eyeballs pop out, that's how you know it's time to walk away.
  • When you finally notice other people's dwindling respect for you.
  • When he says "I won't a divorce"
  • When the bad moments begin to outweigh the good moments.
  • When you finish burying the body it's time to move on.
  • Time to walk away: Every time you see him/her you only feel anger, doubt, and hurt. When ever you look at him/her your heart doesn't swell up and feel no romantic emotions. Once you stop loving, you can't go back to it..
  • You know when it is over when he hugs you or looks at you and you feel no love back or you feel digusted or you find yourself thinking about other guys you have been with in the past.
  • When even tho you love each other you both realize that you are two completely different types of people and as much as it hurts it's better to do it now while things are still civil
  • Its over when you can start picturing your life without the other. As long as you cant imagine it then there is hope. But the moment you start thinking what would I be doing if they weren't here you have mentally checked out the physical-literal check out is a matter of having the courage to do it. You can still love someone and realize that its not going to work out. Prolonging the inevitable hurts everyone involved and can cause love to turn to spite and possibly hatred.
  • You just know. You feel it in your heart. You see it in his eyes. As for when to walk away, that is the hardest part, especially if you still love him. You hope everyday that he still wants you. Good luck.
  • when you start hurting and losing respect for yourself.
  • When the negatives outweigh the positives.
  • When the look becomes a stare.When you look one way and your partner the other way.When the touch gives a different feeling, like you want to tell "don't touch me." When you are no longer excited to see the person,not even hear the voice, or smell the scent.
  • When you feel more relief than sadness at the thought of the relationship ending.
  • when it's becoming a burden and you're not the least bit happy anymore. other times will depend on what those issues are and if they can still be worked out or not
  • when you guys are always fighting for every littel thing and you guys never find a solution to anything together
  • you know its over when you think of reasons not to be with them. When they call and you would rather not pick up the phone. When you no longer find them amazing, interesting and someone you look forward to. You know its time to walk away when you can't think of enough places or people to run to.
  • he does not contact u in a span of 7 days max. And that's a good thing because it means he's not interested in u anymore. If u r going to be desperate, it's real degrading of u as a female.
  • Your gut instincts will let you know. Their are many things that you can be attracted to in a person who isn't right for you.. Don't let those things fool you into believing they are *the one*. You will only extend your pain. When a relationship is hurting you, you have a choice. The choice is to keep wallering in the pain that will never go away if you stay, or actually leaving and allowing time to heal your pain, eventually setting you free from unnecessary hurt.
  • But what if the other is good person. Very loving and all. But something inside you feels empty. Should it be over?
  • When you feel you deserve better. That's when it's time to walk.
  • When it just isn't gonna work out.
  • Sometimes you just know... :/
  • From a male perspective : Its tough, but men are intuitive and often it is simply an inner feeling. You will feel it, and while you are feeling it you will attempt to justify why you should not (this is where you spawn complexity). Your body will be full of negative energy tranferred by your partner. Not good. The alternative is to learn body language. I also believe te eyes are a window into her soul. At this point, dump her. She does not deserve you. Your awesome and you deserve an awesome woman who will comply with the respect that you command, because you are a man? right?
  • Divorce papers are usually a good sign. That, and when you have to start begging for sex.
  • When he tells you he doesn't love you anymore but the next day he does. When he tells you that you should learn to shut your mouth.When he blames you for all his flaws and you are the reason he gets angry.When he makes you feel like a failure.I know...I am there right now.
  • When the affection stop and there appears to be no reason for it. Also if you stop sharing secrets with each other and or respecting each other.
  • i would think when he came home and the locks were changed, clothes on the front deck and 2 patrols cars waiting.. but hey i can take a hint he did as well ! +5
  • When you're prompted to stick in more quarters in order to continue.
  • All that's left is a burning crater the size of Rhode Island.
  • When u start asking urself about the good and bad things she has done to you.

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