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  • There are two ways. 1. Ignore it, deny it, pass it off, preened it isn't going on - all at the same time while allowing the resentment to build until one day you blow off in a screaming match over the toilet paper roll being hung the wrong way - which is nothing to do with the TP roll, but the TP roll will be the straw that breaks the camels back. OR you can try 2. Communication: This is not talking at a person, this is serious, TV off conversation where you speak calmly, coolly and without accusing anyone of anything that X takes place making me fell Y. Mind relationships or the nature of love changes over time. It happens as a natural by-product of two people being together. Unfortunately few of us are raised in a situation to where this is explained to us. We are instead raised on stories of Happily Ever Afters and the romantic notion that strong, passionate love is forever. Strong passionate love gives way to steady, strong love - part of that is a slight distancing of the two, even paying more attention too other people. When we first enter into a relationship we find that we are nearly overwhelmed by love, that we want to breath, live, eat, drink, sleep, with that other person and no one else. This serves a purpose, namely allowing you to over look their flaws and issues long enough to know them. however if we all remained smitten like this nothing would be accomplished and society, civilization and perhaps even our species would no longer be here. Distancing and making a "working" relationship is a difficult thing to master. Finding a healthy balance between being totally absorbed with one person and totally ignoring them can be hard as well. Unless both of you communicate what is going on inside your heads. Communication is key, however we are not actually taught that. We are taught how to talk, which is different than communication. Talking requires little thought. Communication requires a lot of thought and picking and choosing our words carefully so as to not offend and to keep the environment open for honest, truthful discussion about our inner most self. Couples counselors are often used, and should be used more often I think. A "neutral third person" to act like a translator may be needed. Even if you are only "dating" or "going steady" a CC may be a good thing. I suspect that you are seeing one thing and he is seeing another. I have said before that men and women tend to view the world from two vastly different points. Male commitment to a relationship is usually demonstrated by doing "logic" based things like taking care of the house, bringing home a paycheck - these kinds of things are his way of showing love. Females tend to be more "heart related" relying on terms of endearments, smiles and looks and the like. He most likely believes he is showing you his adoration and love via other routes, while you are focusing on other things. Of course a bit more communication between you to may reveal far more about how the genders work than either of you know. Once you start uncovering that then both of you can start taking healthy steps toward working within those gender based aspects too A. See more clearly where one is just being a Fe/Male. B. Work on presenting yourself to your SO in a way that your SO identifies based on gender type stuff. Men are from Mars women are from Venus attempted to explain the differences between man and woman when it came to how the two genders related to each other and the world. Might be a good place to start.
  • Play hard to get. Thats interesting and sexy and it will keep him on his toes

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