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  • I know a few couples who tried to start a family for years, and one thing they all had in common was that it was only when they relaxed and stopped worrying that they finally conceived. Good luck.
  • If you are over 30, see your doctor. If you are under 30: We increased his zinc, magnesium and...maybe it was..potassium? double check that. I increased my B complex and Vitamin A. Try positions that are better for conception including missionary with a small pillow under your bottom, or on your knees with him behind. Immediately after he is finished, he needs to remove himself and you need to curl up with your butt slightly higher than your pelvis for up to 20 minutes. Use an ovulation calculator calender (free on lots of websites) or buy the ovulation tests (expensive but they work). Have sex two days before ovulation, one day before and on the day of. Try the book: Getting Pregnant: What you Need to Know right now (I thought it was great). This sounds corney, but your cervix can grab hold of sperm better if you orgasm. Lucky me, my husband watched some show on the Discovery Health channel while we were trying to conceive and so he was very focused on my climax :o) The show even recommended using a vibrator to intensify female orgasm so as to increase chances of fertilization. DO NOT allow him to perfom oral sex during the sex act in which you are trying to conceive or touch you inside after he is finished.

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