• yea even i probably do it and not even realize it
  • I think that the real question is how do you feel about asking this question? I think it's time for some tough love for you and a babbling answer that does not answer your question. Hopefully, I'm not one of those. I do try to give insight based on experience and good knowledge based answers. But to answer your question, yes, there are some that give idealogical answers, but I think most mean well.
  • Well you don't need to throw a shoe at a nun holding an ice pick to see that one coming around the corner when you're in the position to call the shots.
  • most self help books do the same thing...poor dr phil people found out his little scam haha... but i think most of us here on AB hope we don't do that anyways
  • Oh yes, I love giving those kind of answers (although I'm not a big fan of Dr. Phil). Usually I do it when I think that the conventional answers to the question don't really make any difference -- i.e. they're too superficial, the question itself has some hidden or defective assumptions, etc. I don't know that people "lap it up"... often I find it just thumps dully against the fence and dies, but I can't bring myself to just give one of the standard knee-jerk answers in those cases... I feel like "what's the point?"
  • "People make their own choices and all you can do is let them know how you feel and how strongly you feel about it. Give her a thought for the day. Write her little notes and put them in her pocket." -Dr. Phil Does that answer your question? :D
  • I don't lap anything up. As it says, use common sense when following any of the advice given here. If I like it, it's interesting and makes sense, I'll read it and consider it.
  • Yes, they do sometimes. Sometimes the information is really interesting even if it doesnt answer that question.
  • Haha yeah, I think we're all a bit guilty of it sometimes. In moderation it's long as it relates to the question i think.
  • There are two types of answers out there: Answers that answer the question, and answers that help solve the problem. Personally, if someone seems to be asking a question because they need a solution to a problem, then "Dr. Phil Answers" are better. But if someone is asking a rhetorical question, that sort of answer often just serves to piss them off (which is still fun, actually).
  • Are you talking about ME? 8-/ Sorry. I've found that in a lot of cases, we don't have both sides of the question, so I will usually try to cover them. Also, people don't like only ONE option, at lot of times. If you suggest something, and they would never do it, what good is the suggestion? But if you give them a few different things they could try or think about - TRUE things, usually from personal or friends' experiences, then they may start listening to you. And if that's all it takes to get advice to those who need it, I will do it. And, sorry, I DO quote Dr Phil at times. There's a LOT of information on shows like his, whether it's available in places some people never frequent (libraries, book stores, a local psychologist/psychiatrist/counselor) or not. When people are hurting, they feel they're the only ones it's ever happened to, and there's a lot of things they never even consider. Explaining that you've been there, or you saw someone else go through it, or you saw it on TV (some people don't watch the helpful shows), makes it more real than abstract, and they see they're not the only ones that it's happened to. If it helps, why does it bother you so much? As Dr Phil would say, "How's that workin' for ya?" (By the way... Good way to look at "problems" in relationships!) ;-)

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