• The end of February O_o
  • The prelude to the March Revolution was provided by a popular assembly organized in Mannheim on February 27, 1848, by Democrats from Baden. It was here that the so-called March demands of fundamental claims of people vis-à-vis the governments were formulated: arming of the people, freedom of the press, trial by jury and creation of a German par liament. These demands were raised everywhere in the March days, usually supplemented by local or regional wishes for reform, and ultimately enacted. Petitions, the agitation of the press, street demonstrations, meetings and turmoil together with the emergence of oppositional deputies in parliaments were mostly the instruments used to pressure the princes and their cabinets and to force them to give in. The princely power holders, deeply frightened over the continued existence of their thrones by t he proclamation of a republic in France , usually complied quickly with the demands of the people after a few days of subtle manoeuvering. In those regions where army dealt counter-revolutionary blows, as in Bavaria, Hesse, and Saxony, within a short time, they had to give in due to the unreliability of troops, radical popular actions, or even the threat of their use. See more at

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