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  • Because there's always someone who loves you
  • Suicide is a permenent solution to a temporary problem. If you get help, you will find out that you really want to live. Please look into it!!
  • If you were going to kill yourself you wouldn't get to see who gets elected. You wouldn't see another sunrise or sunset. No more anything. Something has got to be better than nothing.
  • look, i've been where you are right now. Im just glad I didnt do it... listen, things DO get better. Its not going to stay this way forever, it will ALWAYS get better trust me. Things DO get better. EVERYTHING.
  • You must really be rock-bottom if you're planning to kill yourself and if you are rock-bottom there's no way but up.
  • Yes. Here's the gig - my older brother killed himself when I was 16. I had a month old baby, a terrible marriage, and a totally screwed up family all the way around. When he made that decision, he made a decision that impacted me every day for the rest of my life. Not a day goes by, over 30 years later, that I don't wish he'd reached out for help. Suicide is a permanent way to make sure your family and friends will always wonder what they might have said or done, or if they should have known. Please, for my sake, let me know you've heard my pain. Please get help.
  • i considered it too. pissed with God more than anything when i was 13. literally the week 8th grade started. but that year i grew even closer to -not my family- but my best friends. she knew my problems. she told me pretty much that i'm the only thing that keeps her stable because sometimes when it got bad for her, she wanted to be stable for me. now i stay stable to help others. believe it or not - you're saving somebody else right now
  • Cause somewhere there's someone who cares about you, and if you kill yourself, you'll be killing a part of them too. Things will get better! =)
  • because if you kill urself you can't accomplish really cool things in the future.. I know that RIGHT now sux and tomorrow looks really freakin' dull.. ur whole life prolly looks dull... that's okay. The future is not pre-determined.. it's what you make of it. If you want a better life.. get away from what makes you unhappy.. if you're feeling that there's no one that understands you but like 1 person.. think about that 1 special person out that that you'll find one day and be happy for the rest of your life. I know it sounds all fairytail-ish.. it always does.. but at least if your life is reeeaelly bad now.. why waste it on bad situations.. make good situations out of it and live it for yourself. YOU are in control of your OWN life and nobody can run it for you. Don't do it.. trust me. Life is only what you make of it.. and not saying that ur messed up life is your fault.. learn from other's mistakes that has made ur life a living hell and move on.. that's all we can do sometimes. I KNOW.
  • You might have to come back and face the same problems all over again... and again... and again... Infinitum. Until you get it right.
  • You're only living this life once, and that's it. If you take it away, then think of everything thing you'll lose: Your family, friends. Your family loves you, so why take that away from them? Don't drown them in eternal sorrow.
  • Because you can't change your mind. It's the final frontier and you could have better days ahead but you'll have cheated yourself out of them. Find out whats ahead.....
  • Tomorrow you could meet the love of your life, tomorrow you could hit the lottery, tomorrow you might find a new purpose or goal in life, one that will bring you much joy and happiness. Tomorrow you might save a friend. Tomorrow someone you love might need you. Tomorrow you might laugh at todays troubles and realize it wasn't that bad. But theres only one way to find out. Be here.
  • No matter how good or bad life gets, it never stays that way for long.
  • there is no such thing as a stupid question. But if you need advice on how to make your changes stick your at the right place to ask questions. Feel free to ask away!
  • I'm sure you've tried everything by now, so try humor. Just laugh it away, I don't care what it is. At least it'll make the journey back more bearable... and even enjoyable. Good luck and stick around, the best is yet to come! :)
  • Life is so precious and you only get to do it this once. I say, take what you got and be happy with it. Bad things never last forever.
  • think about it this way... If you have nothing to live for then the only thing that can happen is you can get something to live for. I felt the way you did once. I almost tried to kill myself. I reached out to someone else, I told her what was going on in my life and she understood. She told me that it was my fault and it was. Life six but sometimes ya gotta ask, what am I really mad about, is this a good reason to kill myself. The truth is that whatever it is that nothings worth your life. Things will only get better. Seek professional help. Therapy will do wonders for you. I know it did for me
  • YES! The people that have made your life difficult would then win!! They don't deserve that satisfaction!
  • Because, whether you believe it or not, your suicide will make someone very sad. Do you want to cause that much pain? I lived through a dear one doing that and I can assure you that it was one of the most difficult moments of my life.
  • Killing yourself could be down to having self control. I suppose it's one of the only things that you can ultimately control, on your own and no one can do anything about it. But, before you do, consider a few things. From one of your answers, it sounds like you're trying to tackle things on your own. It takes someone brave and with balls to ask for help when they need it. The fact that you're here asking is a giant step and it's only the beginning. Don't try to run before you walk. Take your time doing things and ask for help. You will be amazed at the responses you get. Just take one day at a time and remember, whatever the past 5 years have been like, they are just that, the past. Nothing can replace a lost life!
  • because suicide is a permanant answer to a temporary problem
  • Satan doesn't want you either. LOL!
  • Some great advice here, I commend all of you. and for Buzz Kill, it just goes to show that at least thirty strangers do care. So when you hit rock bottom, there is only one way to go and that is up. Troubles will come and it will pass, a sunny day is always on the horizon. Your not alone.
  • Because we care. believe it or not, all of us, total strangers, care about you. and i'm sure many people in your own life care as well.
  • if you really wanted to you would have are asking so you want help or to be talked out of it. if you do the hurt that your family and frieds or anyone you have touch in some way will fill a pain so bad and unneeded. so dont do it because there is someone who does care. and you must care about yourself even though it seems bad now.
  • Life isn't THAT long...
  • it's kinda selfish and really.. do you wanna be known as the emo douchebag who off'd himself?
  • Because the world would miss you, even if you think it won't. Everybody makes a difference, whether they realise it or not, and everybody matters.
  • Suicide is for pussies!
  • if u kill yourself u just didnt hurt yourself! of course you dont want to hurt your family and those people who loves you! of course u dont want to leave them pain! seeing your family cryin is more painful than killing yourself. killing yourself is a permanent solution for small problems. there is always way out! hope is free. try to use one.
  • We can't really give you a reason, only suggestions as to why you shouldn't man. But my advice? don't. theres always someone or multiple people who will feel worse if you commit suicide, like your dad for instance, you won't let him down if you kill yourself, you will just make him forever hate himself for not trying to stop you, he will more than likely get deeply depressed by your death, anyone else that was even partially close to you will also probably feel the same way. so is it really worth doing that to all those people is the real question, if you really have nothing to life for, think about the others around you, because its one life, then nothing.
  • Because your life means something.You haven't figured it out yet.
  • God bless you Jesus loves you God can change your life. Only Only Only He can take away your depression like He did with me. before i began serving the Lord, i used to suffer alot alot alot alot of depression, i used to feel very very very lonely, i used to feel that noone loves me. but when Jesus came to my life, He changed it. He took away my depression, my suffering and turn it to joy, the loneliness i felt He took it all away, He filled my very very very very empty heart with His Peace and His Love and Joy and what He did with me, He can do it with you. Jesus loves you the way you are and even if you have been left out, treated badly, in the Name of Jesus, remember that Jesus will never treat you like this, He loves you and He is waiting for you. God bless you Jesus loves you all the way you are like and accepts you the way you are like.amen aleluya gloria gloria a Dios
  • This isn't a dress rehearsal -- this one is the only life you get, so you may as well enjoy it while you can...
  • You will hurt others that care about you; you will intentionally (through your actions) cause them pain.
  • When I was suicidal, the one thing my friend told me to help me not do it, was that your life is that one thing that is truly yours. And I thought about it and yeah, it is mine, and I do control it. If I want to be happy, I can do something about it and make it better. And now things are grand and that was about, 5 years ago. And when I look back on it I feel bad because I actually attempted it but now, I am just glad I had my friend to help me.
  • To be? Or not to be? That is the question. If all other hope fades. Flavour. The flavour of really nice food. Or orange cordial when you mix it too strongly. That kinda stuff is good.
  • it's all a matter of perspecive. to understand the reason not to. you must first identify the reason you want too. but in my opinion there is no reason not to. and bravo should you be brave enough to do it.
  • Because for the next 50-60 years or however long the people you know live and the children of the people you know live you'll be remembered as a coward who couldn't man up and overcome his struggles. Hate to be so blunty with it but I that's what I think of people who commit suicide. We all have problems and to kill yourself would just be a cop out to dealing with them. And you might mess out on a lot of great things about life.
  • You'll be glad you didn't at a later date. I've been hospitalized twice (once for 33 days and once for 36 days) in the past 6 months, once for an overdose, and once for using suicide in context with my parents for wanted to get away from them. Now, 3 months after I've been let of the hospital, I am thankful that I got help. I'm definately not totally cured or anything, for instance, last week I was having a really rough time and was contemplating suicide... but I got through it with the help of friends/family whom I trust and know will be here for me no matter what. Believe me, it's not worth it. I wish that I had the opportunity to have people who have gone through it tell me this, because anything doctors say means nothing. They read books, they don't experience the pain.
  • I'm severly depressed too, so i know what its like to want to commit suicide. But suicide is for the weak, its for quitters, it for people who arent strong enough to deal with their problems and want to take the easy way out, and for people who are to stupid to realize that things will turn around. So you want a non-religious reason not to kill yourself? If you do people will always see you as weak, and their respect for you will be lost.
  • If you kill yourself, you will miss out on future happiness.
  • The cemeteries are already full
  • I can give you about 44.
  • You might get laid if you stop talking like that. Seriously, women and eventually family are some awesome reasons. If you look you'll find fun in life no matter what's going on.
  • Because your family will never recover! Also your life will probably get better in a few weeks, everyone has bad days.
  • One reason is that your mind is lying to you about death. If we must leave religion out then all that is left is a false perception that in death you will not feel the pain you feel now. The contradiction there is that to feel anything we must have some form of existence. You are probably thinking that you will escape the uncertainty you don't like and all the other issues that argue for ending your life. But that assumption is false since how can you feel any relief in death unless death is an altered state of existence? Since religion is left out how can you know death is another form of existence and not just "nothingness" (whatever that is). Unless a person is afflicted with a terminal illness that causes unbearable daily pain then I say stay alive - no matter how painful life is - it's all we've got and nothing lasts forever (the pain and pleasures of life ALL do not last). It's not about pain or pleasure - it's about experiencing it - whether it's pain or pleasure. Get curious about tommorrow - that alone can be a reason for living.
  • I think it's more than a tragedy for you to give up on yourself being able to overcome whaterever the problem is. "BE-coming" is Superior to "BE-ing". Battle weariness is not a valid reason to give up.
  • no more happiness:(
  • Mental Illness?
  • Whaddabout contributing somehow to the 'family of man', for starters?! ;-)
  • I was born with no purpose in life that could do me any good... My only purpose is to help others, I've got nothing else. I have thought about what you have, and I realized that it's not the way out, because it was also selfish of me because of the people that might need me. Someone on your side, needs you, think about it long and hard, and remember this: Just being here asking, means that a big part of you still wants to live, don't let yourself down and don't do what you REALLY don't want to do. If you want to talk, send me a message, I'm always listening and willing to understand everyone.
  • Think of all the things you could try before you do. I mean, if you are going to kill yourself anyway why not do something socially ackward like ask a total stranger on a date, or run onto the field of a football game.
  • why not do it? i wouldn't know. but i just try not to think about it to much, i try to think day by day. maybe some day's ahead, but never to for. and that way i can enjoy the litlwe things more esaey. not realy giving you a reason not to, just telling you what i do to get around...
  • hmmm perhaps because of hwo it will devastate those who know and love you think of someone besides yourself man
  • Don't kill yourself because your selfish action will eventually cost us tax payers money...
  • You'll be remembered as a selfish cowardly bitch who had no considerations for thosee who loved you
  • Please know you are important. Reading all the out pouring to you has made me know people are intrinsically good and caring, and their is hope things are going to get better.
  • Become famous and your name will be remembered forever. Have lots of sex
  • Because you are worth more than you think you do.
  • Coming from someone that has been actively suicidal for 20 years now, and have made more suicide attempts than anyone can possibly count, the only thing that keeps me going is knowing that no matter what I do, I will die someday anyway (everyone does eventually), yet every second that I continue living means that I know that little bit more and am more able to deal with new things in my life while I am here. If and when we do die, we don't know what will be there (personally I hope that it will be complete oblivion and Ill be glad of the rest and relief at long last), but just in case there IS something else after death, then every second that I gain new experience and new knowledge will allow me to deal with whatever comes afterwards that little bit better (and hopefully be happier than I was in this life). Another reason why I keep going (apart from the obvious fact that I seem to be immortal now, seeing as I should have died thousand of times over and yet am still here!) is to get the small satisfaction of annoying those that hold ridiculous ideas in this world. Ask awkward questions of people that think that their faith is unquestionable and enjoy the look of confusion and doubt that comes across their smug faces when you blow their fixed biases out of the water.
  • Because you are loved and it would be greedy to kill yourself and hurt others that way.
  • Don't mean to sound judgmental, but I believe it is one of the most selfish things anyone could do.
  • You owe me 5 bucks...
  • whatch it a wonderful life, its too much for me to type
  • have you tried cutting?? it helps a lot you know. it releases endorpines in you rbrain that i call my "happy feeling" that takes the pain away.
  • honey you got people that care for you. i dont even know you but i care and worry about every one and anything. i always feel that way to so your not alone. if you need to talk my email is "" so i would love to talk to someone that is going through the same things as me and if anyone is ever rude to you on here just email me with their names and i PROMISE you that i will take care of it.
  • Why bother. You will be dead soon enough. There is no reason to rush the inevitable. Take up a dangerous career or hobby if you are not real keen on living to bump up your odds. Your death could serve a purpose then otherwise you have just wasted an opportunity.
  • ive had 3attempts in the past month last one was the closest and the next time i know better i will go before anyone gets to me. the only reason i wanna stick around is my kids and on my bad downs not even. this might sound crazy but i read dante's inferno and have done research on past lives and the soul and turns out {if real} that those of us who commit suicide end up in a dark dungeon where we suffer more and i rather stay here for now and try to be a better person to look everyone that put me down in the eye and tell them to f+++ off
  • You can die later. Why not give life a shot and try your hardest to simply be? No matter how tough life is, you've only got one of them.
  • Expect that 99% of life will be torture and join the club. Find one thing you enjoy doing. Do it every day. Then do more of it the next day then you did the last. Don't give up. Mental anguish is as brutal to the brain as physical pain is to the body. You are mentally tough to still be here.
  • Because whatever pain you are feeling, you will double it and put it on the backs of everyone who loves you. They will never recover. That is a helluva way to repay them for loving you.
  • Before you kill yourself do something crazy! Like ask that girl out that you never could bring yourself to ask. Dont take no for an answer, be nice. Or do somthing you were always afraid of like skydiving or public speaking. Just keep in mind that you are going to end it all anyway. GO outside the box since you are going to end it anyway. What do you have to loose? nothing but an experience that may change the way you see the world. DO SOMETHING that does not hurt others.
  • if you are going to do it, you wont see the people you love, and the people who loves you, thing about the girl you love and you care for, thing about her feeling after you commit suicide what will be her react ? hope he didn't do it,,, the question is too old it was Asked on [ Jan 21 2008 3:20PM ] please reply if you are still with us ...hope he still with us :(
  • sure. ill answer your question with a question though do you know what tomorrow will bring when you open your eyes an walk out that door........cause i don't .
  • Suicide is the purest deed.If you commit suicide you are doing the best thing in the world.Hence,you're a nice person.ANyone,living is evil,anyone dead is good.Why?Because as long as a person live,there will always be pain he inflicted on others!If you want to kill yourself,you are encouraged to do so.
  • The smell of rain, sunshine, some little kid laughing at the grocery store... those are just some of the simple things that make me feel better when I'm feeling like nothing's worthwhile. Surely there is something that triggers a good feeling in you? Please consider the idea. Surely something makes you feel good, or at least better.
  • You would just be transferring your pain to someone else.
  • End your life style not your life. You'll see that doing something else will give you another perspective on life. Love is worth sharing and I'm sure if you tried you can do more good alive then dead every month, or week or day that you made it into a goal. And there are so many people in hospitals fighting for there lives right now that it'd be an insult to them to simply end yours. I'm sure you can find a reason to smile and spread it around in others.
  • Yea Hi. I have wanted to kill myself a lot of times and in a couple almost did. then after i was on all drugs i could be on how fun. Look my parents abused me so i wanted to kill myself but later i realized that it is bs to want to kill myself. Look if life is so bad u want to die then it can’t get any worse. so why not live it and try to find some kind of happiness. Think if u die u will never know what could have become of you. you could be something great you just have to work hard and live. killing oneself proves weakness but come on u should know better.

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