• Born Again Miller's noir take on the character continued after he left. However, successor Denny O'Neil, who had made similar changes to Batman in the 1970s, did not find the commercial success of his predecessor. In 1986 Miller returned to write the classic "Daredevil: Born Again" storyline (#227-233, Feb.-Aug. 1986), with artist David Mazzuchelli. In Born Again, Karen Page returned as a heroin-addicted star of adult films. Desperate for a fix, she sold Daredevil's secret identity for a hit. The information made it to the Kingpin, who used it to try to destroy Murdock piece by piece by blowing up his house, ruining his reputation as a lawyer, and menacing his personal life. With his life in shambles, Murdock nearly went insane. However, Miller ended the story on a positive note, with Murdock reuniting with the mother he had thought dead and picking up the pieces of a damaged but not unsalvageable life.

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