• No i think you have to obey all the rules. Of course though i don't ; )
  • To explain my question: An earlier question asked if you would side with boys who refused to cut their hair in violation of the school rules, and most of the answers sided with the boys. Is that right?
    • Hardcore Conservative
      If they want to not cut their hair, that's fine. Just be prepared to pay the consequences. I would probably be on the school's side. If they don't like the school's rules, go to a different school.
  • You can break the rules, however, if you get caught, you may face the consequences.
  • Well to obey one rule, kinda invalidates the other rules.
  • I think you ought to obey the rules. Its fun to break them though.
  • have to be honest-i obey a rule is it is a good one in my judgement-if it isnt i dont obey it-to blindly follow something because it is a rule is at best insanity and has caused much grief in this world ever since we have begun making rules--just one example would be germany in world war 2--how different would it had been if germans instead of blindly following the rules did what was right in their conscience---just my thoughts--smile and enjoy the night just because its a rule doesnt make it right
  • It's all about pain and pleasure. When deciding, I usually will gauge how much fun it will be to break the rule compared to how painful it will be if I'm caught. Then, I know whether to break the rule or not.
  • You have to follow all the rules in Monopoly and Poker; real life is even more important so the rules have more impact. The best thing to do is what our labour union recommends - if you disgree with an order, do it and then grieve it; in other words, follow the rule to the letter and under protest and then bring the matter to a higher authority for a ruling about whether the order, or rule, or law, was valid and correct in the first place.
  • I wouldn't put it that way. If a rule is arbitrary, has no basis in reason or the reasoning is flawed, there is no reason to obey it. If a rule violates any of my rights, and is not a question of safety, I will exercise my rights and take the consequences. If I agree to work somewhere, I will abide by all the rules of that employer because that's what's agreed in exchange for my paycheck. In the situation you mention, where school officials decide what hairstyles students should have, I would disobey such a rule because it is unreasonable and based on a generalization. Long hair and bad behavior don't go hand in hand and it is ridiculous to make such a generalization. If my child wanted to disobey that rule, I would definitely back my child up. However, if my child wanted to break a rule about throwing food in the cafeteria, I would side with the school, and that child would be disciplined at home in addition to what was handed out at school. It isn't a question of picking and choosing, it is a question of what is right. I want my children to learn about the real world, where it is assumed they have the right to make their own decisions about hair and clothing.
  • You should obey rules in a consistent manner.
  • The problem with this question is with the word "want" -- "I want to / I don't want to" are not good reasons for picking which rules to obey. Rules are "condensed guidance": they're a way to encode our notions of correct action into a form that can be handed to others, measured and enforced. This encoding process always introduces error, simply because no rule can match every conceivable circumstance. The priority for humans is to "do the right thing", which may or may not mean following the rule. A classic example is "should you lie to the Gestapo about the Jews in the attic?" (Hint: the correct answer is "yes!") Rules are helpful when you're not sure what the right action is. This can occur for any number of reasons, including simple immaturity -- we give rules to children which are more comprehensive than the rules for adults: "don't run out into the street" is appropriate for a 5-year-old, it's silly for a healthy, attentive adult to have that as a rule. One key to seeing this matter clearly is understanding that "right action" has to be determined from a perspective free from ego concerns: it isn't about me and my wants and desires, it's about the whole. If my personal desires are running the show, I can't really tell when it's appropriate to break the rules or not, because the self-centeredness obscures my vision of the whole. So ideally, we do pick and choose -- but from a universal perspective, not a personal perspective. That's moral maturity.
  • no cause that can get you in trouble
  • Depends on which rules you're talking about. For example, I never wait to "Safely remove my USB."

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