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  • My dad says no.
  • There is some evidence that pot can decrease fertility...that isn't the same thing as making you sterile, though.
  • people say it does make you sterile, but I have a friend who nearly chain smoked weed for 10+ years and he has just become a dad for the first time! bless him :-)
  • There is no evidence that marijuana impairs male reproductive functioning. The Jamaican and Costa Rican field studies detected no differences in hormone levels between marijuana users and non-users. In epidemiological surveys of marijuana users, no problems with fertility have emerged as important. In 1974, researchers reported diminished testosterone, reduced sexual function and abnormal sperm cells in males identified as chronic marijuana users. 34 In a laboratory study, the same researchers reported an acute decrease in testosterone, but no chronic effect after nine weeks of smoking; they did not evaluate sperm volume or quality. 35 In other laboratory studies, researchers have been generally unable to replicate these findings, 36 although by administering very high THC doses - up to 20 cigarettes per day for 30 days - one study found a slight decrease in sperm concentrations. 37 In all studies, test results remained within normal ranges and probably would not have affected actual fertility. Severe adverse consequences have also been produced in male laboratory animals, although only with extremely high daily THC doses. 38 More importantly, in both the human and animal laboratory studies, all observed changes were reversed once THC administration was halted.
  • no but someone like you should become sterile for the good of humanity anyway.
  • actually people who just smoke cigarettes have a hard time getting preggers. But if you are using that as a form of birth control i wouldn't. lol. Wear a condom. lol
  • NO NO NO, trust me i know
  • i smoke weed all day and all night and they still call me mr.fertile... j/k it dont affect your sperm
  • I have always heard that smoking seeds makes you sterile Not sure if there is any truth behind it, why would someone want to smoke seeds anyways.
  • &quot;Radiation, lead, pesticides, <U> marijuana </U>, tobacco and alcohol can cause production of abnormal sperm (two-headed, multiple tails, and so on" Luckily its not all sperm that it deforms, and chances are the sperm that are deformed won't make it to the eggs :) so don't worry about it.
  • While it doesn't make a man sterile it does lower his sperm count in most cases, with regular use over time.
  • Haha that myth is still around? No it does not make you sterile.

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