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  • ovulation is a requirement of pregnancy. you can't get pregnant without ovulating.
  • I don't think you can get pregnant before ovulation. Its during ovulation that you pregnant.
  • since sperm can live inside you for 3-5 days, if you have unprotected sex 3-5 days before you ovulate, you can get pregnant. i'm sorry the other comments were making fun of you, because you have/had a very legitimate concern. i don't have an answer for you, and am very interested to know as well. from what i understand, the symptoms of early pregnancy are very similar to what a regular cycle feels like (cramping, etc). wait 2 weeks and take a test. then go to the doctor to make sure.
  • I am interested to know this aswell. I had sex a few days ago, got a positive ovualtion test yesterday but havent had any discharge ( i usually get the egg white discharge every month) also been getting alot of cramps
  • Yes you CAN get pregnant before after or during ovulation. Just as you can BEFORE after or DURING your period. Not LIKELY but possible. Very possibe. If you get preg. bfor ovulation or your period you will continue with that period or ovu. cycle bc it takes up to a certain ammount of days (10-15) I beleive after conception for your HCG hormone to produce. End of story. For those telling you wrong need to do research or ask their doctor. If you want to talk about it IM or email me at
  • The people at the top don't know how to read! I couldn't believe that they didn't understand the question. I have the same concern. My period began September 10 and ended September 15. I had sex with my partner on September 23 (which is apparently a good time to have sex on a 28 day cycle if you wish to get pregnant). He travels, so trying to conceive is a balancing act. On Sept 28, however, I had the white mucus/cramps that I always have when I ovulate. If that white mucus in NOT the egg that was fertilized (as a couple of you have stated), I'm curious to know what it was...
  • I would love to know to I am having the same problem Its time that I should be ovulating but I am not having (or noticed any of the discharge), me and my husband has sex 2 days before ovulating and on the 24th, and I would like to know if there is a chance I could be pregnant?

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