• No. It encourages children to be good- at least in theory.
  • It gives children a choice. The problem I see is when the children who are very good sometimes feel confused when the other children seem to have gotten more!
  • Man, when my kids were 3 and 4, Santa was the greatest miracle of all time. For 2 months before Christmas, you can just drop the Santa-bomb and be like, "Well, if you're gonna throw a fit, then Santa's not gonna bring you anything." Insta-goodkid How I long for those days of simplicity... /sigh
  • Its important to encouage kids to be good and also teach them that their are rewards to being good. Besides its an age old tradition and I don't think that people should worry about it.
  • No! I know that the threat of not getting anything fore Christmas kept me good.
  • No, Santa only classifies the consistently 'rotten' children as 'naughty'. He knows which kids are simply acting out due to problems in their lives, and which kids are truly deserving of that lump of coal. ;) However, I happen to know a couple of very spoiled and mean children who still seem to have Santa fooled.
  • LOL. No. It was one of the only ways I could get my nephews to go to bed once when I was babysitting them before Christmas. The only thing that would work was, "If you don't go to bed, Santa won't give you presents."

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