• I'll agree. Christmas is the celebration of Jesus Christ's birthday and you make yourself out to quite a hypocrite to celebrate it if you don't believe that Jesus is the son of God or remember that is why we celebrate.
  • I agree. Christmas is about Christs birth (I know, it isn't really when he was born...). It is sad that we can't wish people a Merry Christmas without being told how politically incorrect we are!! Really bites my butt!! I am expected to wish my friends of varying faiths happy ___________, but to wish my Christain friends a Merry Christmas.... woah, not cool. I refuse to stop. So, to all my Christian friends, Merry Christmas!!!
  • Removing Christ from the Christmas season is totally ridiculous. I would like to see less cards that say "Seasons Greeting" and "Happy Holidays" and more cards that say "Merry Christmas".
  • That's true, mnya~ I am an atheist myself, but to complain that Christmas is a Christian celebration and you're of a different faith... I mean, if you don't want other people's celebrations affecting you, stay at home and don't come out. There's 5 billion people here that have 5 billion beliefs different from yours. Deal with it.
  • I think it's a shame that we don't see as many nativity plays in school and scenes in general.I came across a lovely traditional stable display in a church and it seemed to me I hadn't seen this for ages.
  • I agree totally. I am thinking of boycotting everything except Church services next year. I'm really getting tired of the cards, gifts, and stress that this Holiday brings. And it shouldn't be stressful, it should be one of the most pleasant and joyful Holidays we as Christians celebrate next to Easter.
  • I agree with you whole heartedly! I will say Merry Christmas...I will not change my ways...I will always keep Christ in Christmas. This is all gone way over the top!! I still respect others religion but Christians are really getting the brunt of it all.
  • The problem is that the Christmas season has meant a lot of different things to a lot of different people over the centuries. People were doing the Christmas tree (although not called that) bit, gift-giving, and revelry long before Christianity. Blame the early Church fathers for making a move of political expediency by placing the celebration of the birth of Christ on a day that had been celebrated as the birth of Mithras for ages, was the traditional time of the Roman Saturnalia, and had seen winter solstice festivals from time out of mind. The fact of the matter is that this time has always had both sacred and secular aspects. It doesn't "belong" to anyone and likely never will. People who celebrate ANYTHING around this time need to realize that it's a shared holiday that belongs to a bunch of traditions. Refusal to deal with this and just move on and acknowledge what is important to YOU is the true hypocrisy. This isn't a Christian world anymore than it is a Pagan or Buddhist or Hindu or Islamic one.
  • I think it is ridiculous. It's called Christmas for a reason. But, everyone with a brain knows Christ wasn't born in December. His birthday was moved there to cover the pagan holiday of Yule. On that day the Goddess gives birth to the God and the days begin to lengthen. Check the history. But, as I said originally the concept of a Christless Christmas is ridiculous.
  • Christ-mas is here to stay.
  • They may accomplish removing Him from public places. But they will never remove Christ from a True Christians Heart. Always remember Highlander. The Word says in the book of I John Chapter 4 V-4-7 .....Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world. They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. We are of God: he that knoweth God heareth us; he that is not of God heareth not us. Hereby know we the spirit of truth, and the spirit of error. Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God......+4...Highlander.....M.C.S.
  • I haven't seen it much around here. In fact I see blow-up nativity scenes everywhere right next to blow-up santas even.
  • Our Nation is under the 5th. Cycle of Discipline & going at "Break-Neck Speed to Hell in a Hand Cart" through our Revolt Against God!!! John
  • Why are you so angry? And where do you people live that it seems Christmas has been banned? In my town there are signs of Christmas all over the place. We've had parades and school pageants. Several of our offices have "adopted" less fortunate families through the Salvation Army and the Samaritan Center. We had a "living windows" display downtown, with Nativity scenes and the Christmas story depicted by real people. Yards and houses are decorated with everything from Nativities to angels and Santas. Our churches are holding Advent services (do yours not?). Tomorrow night we will have carolers in our neigborhood. I've sent and received a ton of Christmas cards (I've also sent a few Hanukkah greetings). And I am loving every minute of it, from the deeply sacred to the secular. I admit to being one of those people who doesn't automatically wish people "Merry Christmas." I only say that to people who I know are Christian. Everyone else gets a "Happy Holidays," and I see nothing wrong with this. Actually I rarely say Merry Christmas as my personal preference is to wish people a Blessed Christmas. Which is what I wish for you, Highlander.
  • You can't take Christ out of Christ+mas, because then it wouldn't be Christmas. It would just be -mas. People can celebrate something else like many do. The winter solstice seems to be one of them, just don't try to say you can't have Christmas, because people celebrate it, like it or not.
  • I think that the push to "remove Christ from Christmas" is about equal to the push to "put Christ back in Christmas". The thing is - Christmas isn't in the Bible... it's NOT an integral part of being a Christian. Whether Christ is "in" Christmas or not does not change people's hearts in either direction. I think those who want Christ in Christmas should just put him there. Those who don't, don't. And quit bickering over it, because I'm tired of hearing BOTH.
  • I do think it is a little silly that a business, which has no political ties, won't put up Merry Chistmas even if Christmas is the winter holiday of choice for the CEOs. Maybe they are worried all other faiths would stop shopping there? I am all for no religious winter holiday expressions being sponsed by any level of government. Right down to City Hall and what they decorate the streets with. Blessed Yule.
  • Christmas is also known as Yule (a non christian holiday. I personally don't celebrate it in either a christian or secular manner. To me, it's a day off. If someone want's to celebrate it anyway they want to I am fine with it as long as it is not forced on me. Example, the santa people ringing bells blocking my way into a store, I find them irritating.
  • I would not be suprised if God hates Christmas in America. Christmas is probably the most hypocritical time of the year. So many people that are completely in rebellion against God try to act Christian and all nice on Christmas and sing Christmas songs etc. People decide they want to give charity to the poor on December 25th, but what about the other days of the year? There are people starving and dying every day of the year. We should give charity year-round. There is teh devilish lie of Santa Claus, there is the whole "Xmas" thing, there is the commercialism, the "Choice on Earth" Christmas Cards(pro-abortion cards), there is immoral sex and drinking of alcholic bevereges to the point of drunkeness in many of these Godless "Christmas parties" is just sickening, at least, to me as a Christian anyway. I honestly think that Christmas in America, at least for the most part, probably makes God sick, and in the minds of many people, Christmas has nothing to do with Christ, but only worldliness and selfish, sinful pleasures and desires. May born-again Christians take a stand for Christ on this holiday and tell people about the Lord Jesus Christ and preach against all of this wickedness that goes on. Have a merry Christmas and may God bless you! :) -In Jesus' Name.
  • Honestly?, I think that Christ has been removed from Christmas for a long time. People barely recognize it as a religious time.
  • I could post a long wordy answer but I think this should pretty much sum it up. The ACLU sucks!

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