• I do think it's possible. It has never happened to me, though.
  • No. I have been in this situation before and thought I was in love, but in heinsite I see it was just infatuation. I now know what true love is and am know there is no way ANYONE can fall in love without meeting a person. NOTE: This does NOT mean love can not develop, it just means love will NOT be had until AFTER they have met! Trolls: Have the balls to state why you downrate me!
  • I did fall in love with a guy, we decided to meet in chicago...and it was the greatest night of my life, but after that night, i realized some things, about him...he's a great guy, but just needs to grow normally you fall in love with the person you want them to be... since then i haven't fallen for anyone, at all...but's cool!
  • No, I don't.
  • And only now I'm starting to realize that its impossible to fall in love without at least spending some time with that person.
  • Well , this might be odd but I am saying yes, but be very careful. You don't need to see a person to fall in love or the blind would never love, you don't need to touch someone to fall in love or the parallelised would never fall in love. Love is of the heart and mind and soul , the physical is just a way to express it.
  • I met my husband online and started to feel love before we met in person. So, yes! i think this is possible.
  • Yes. I do. And yes, this has happened to me. I never used to think it would, but it did.
  • yes i do think its possible, I live in Winsonsin and i have meet this man from Florida last October online, we chatted almost every day! We do have a lot in comman, and can tell what each other is going to type befor we even do! So this February 2008 I took a chance and went to meet him, he was every thing I expected and more! We hit it off right away, I was a little nervouse, We spent the week together, he took the whole week off, and now we texed and im and talk on the phone at least once a day. Iam making plans to go back to Florida, who wouldnt right, I live in Wisconsin and swam in ocean in February! So yes you can fall in love online!
  • Via phone or email,you can certainly like someone alot. By what they write about, how they write, their interests etc, their looks by the photos they could send. But still you can only see as much as they decide to let you see. How much can you really fall in love with someone til you see the whole person through *your eyes*? Not just theirs. And strangely v important. What do they smell like? Will it attract or repel me? And what if the feel of their skin feels somehow creepy to me? Things you can't know how you'll feel without meeting them in the flesh. I met someone online. I liked how they sounded before we met. Enough to want to meet them IRL. But in love with them already? No way! It did happen that we did fall in love but it was after we had met IRL and spent time together. Just like regular dating.
  • yes, my first love began over the phone. we met after several weeks and lasted two years until he was unfaithful.
  • Yes!!!!
  • Yes. I've met an Aussie who conducted his entire courtship with a woman in South Carolina. He even proposed to her via email. Last I knew, they were living in Charlotte and very happy together.
  • I can say from experience, yes. And I will admit that if I hadn't experienced long-distance love for myself, I would remain hugely skeptical and cynical about the possibility.
  • Yes! It is possible. I met my wife online she is from Phils. We became bf-gf and I even proposed to her online. After almost a year of chatting, sending mail and calling each other we finally met IRL and I found out that she is more than what I expected. I love her before we met and I even love her more after we met IRL. She is wonderful. She makes me happy all the time. Love cannot be seen nor touched it is what u feel deep in ur heart.

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