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  • Really, I think it's individual. You hear stories of older men dating young women all the time. If you listen to stereotypes, they claim usually women stop having sex at about 50, while men stop having it at about 70. Physically, I think humans, male or female, can have sex until they wither away and die. And when I say wither away, that also means getting diseases or physical disabilities that restrict them from having sex. Thing is, sex is as dependent upon the mental aspect as the physical, so really, people stop having sex when they stop wanting it, or get a mental block about it. So, really, I don't think there is an age limit.
  • Forever for women. Most men can get erections until death. Unhealthy habits like drinking,drugs can screw up a man's sex drive. Certain prescription meds can too. Prostate issues also cause problems but can be helped with herbal remedies like Saw Palmetto or laser surgery. Sex isn't always about whats going on between the legs as much as between the ears.
  • ------------til you die you can have sex and after you die you still can have sex with some people like that too

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