I was raised by various rodents.
Yes I'm currently sponsored by a Madigascan Tree Sloth, she pays £2 a month to help feed and water me.
Yes a beautiful German Shepard we had her for 15yrs
Yes..the cat we have now adopted us. We would always feed strays where we lived before..they would come and go through the didn't go..she started trying to get in the house..after a few months we let her..she is a great house cat..she is very affectionate..when she first came to us she was scrawny and ravenous..she is now quite a beauty. We brought her with us when we moved (after a week or so of having neighbors try to find her..the moving van spooked her and she disappeared). All is well..she is home with us! :)
yes. I went to the pound for a kitten and came home with a 23 poung 7 year old Maine Coon mix cat. I walked into the room and he tried to squeeze through the DOG cage he was in to get to me. So I took him home.
Yes, a cardinal that taps on my window every time that it wants me to put out bird seed.
Love the question! "Mama". I was very young (1-3rd grade). She was our German Shepard. You'd swear we were her litter lol. She would protect us from anyone. Would walk us to school and sometimes even pick us up.
Yes, a chipmunk that used to sit in the same place on our deck every day over the summer. Very cute.
every dog that passes me on the street. I must have something written across my forehead in dogspeak. Something like "Sucker" I think. LOL
I had a cat once that walked into my house when I was bringing in groceries and never left. I put up signs, left messages at the humane society, ad in the paper, and nobody claimed her. I tried to give her away, but she came back! She was fixed and completely declawed, but she could catch any bird she saw! Very sweet cat. She committed suicide by running into the side of a car. We think it was because of my then 2 year old daughter who liked to carry her by the ass end! lol
We've had many cats move in. I sometimes wonder if they use flyers or now the internet and tell other cats about those cat lover suckers who will feed you and bring you int and take care of you for life. We've had a little spotted skunk move into our hen house to eat our eggs and we learned to gather them up and leave him one or two just for him. He never sprayed our place ever, very mannerly he was:-)
My dog. He was brought in as a stray to the kennel I was working in at the time. We would take him out for potty time while we were trying to find a home for him, but he would just follow me around. Whenever I was there and someone would come to see about adopting him, he would just hide under my leg and love on me the whole time. I took him home and he has been my shadow ever since.
I have one laying right here by me now - he's a cat of indeterminate age, who decided he wanted to live with us about 8 years ago and just moved in! I chucked him out - it was the bleakest winter we'd had in years and he spent 5 weeks with his nose stuck to a wooden table before I relented. Five weeks later he vanished! He came back a while later, cleaner and FATTER - don't know where he'd been!- but he's been with us ever since. I've now been adopted by two more - mother and son - who've been abandoned, so that's four now, all black and white, none of which I actually chose. Lovely!
Every cat I've ever lived with has adopted me. We currently have two. Both are males. Here's one story. Our oldest one is a big long-haired buff tabby. He showed up at our house and decided to live under our shrubs and 'talked' to my wife every time she left the house. We already had two, so we tried to ignore and not feed him, but he really wanted a home and he just kept at us. He was a beautiful cat and he looked well-cared for. He fur was very full and lush. We thought he was a female, for some reason. Finally, my wife sat down one day and coaxed him over. She figured out he was a male. When she petted him she realized all that long fur was covering nothing but bones. That was all she wrote. Then she saw his paws, which are HUGE. She said, "Look at the size of those FEET. Why, you're just a big ole BRUTE!" So, we named him Brutus and he's now about 8 years old and spoiled rotten. :)
yeah there were a couple of magpies that 'adopted' me and my dad. they came to our door everyday and made the worst racket until we came outside, then they would sit on us and eat whatever food we had. if the door or window was ever open for more than a second, we would find them inside eating food from the kitchen or taking a dump on the carpet or mums clean sheets. needless to say she hated them xD
Oh and dog
Our neighbor's cat decided it would rather get food, shelter and love from us, than starve and be maltreated by them.. Now she sleeps on our bed with us at night and I dare say she made the right choice!
I think you can call it that. A cat showed up at my door and would wait for me to come out. No one else would do. She likes everyone in my family, but would run up to me purring and now she lives here, her name is magic
<----- This blind dog decided that I was going to be his seeing eye human. My wife saw his picture online at the local pound, didn't say a word about him to me. I went to the pound and I had to have him. She later told me about her looking at his picture online and was hoping I would pick him. RIP Lord Nelson! My son and first dog.
yes, I seem to draw them
Yes, some of them cats or dogs on the street. However, I could not possibly take them with me...
<----- This little cutie-pie did!! My whole family went to look at a black labrador & drove over 3hours to see the dog, but she was very rough & so we decided not to take her. As we walked back in to the rescue centre i had to stand among over fifty dogs large & small, i was so scared of dogs when i was younger but TOBY(dog in the picture)jumped up on my leg & started licking my hand, i kept rubbing her & she started crying at me... My mam knew excatly which dog we we're getting then ! TOBY knew what she was doing lol! =)
Two out of 3 of my cats adopted me. One simply moved in without so much as an invitation. I had just moved into a new house myself. It was a warm day and the door was open. My sister and I were doing some minor repairs. She just wanders in, sniffs the hammer we were banging on a floorboard and with a look of "ok, this will do" laid down in a corner. The slut was even pregnant! lol. She stayed with me for 13 wonderful years.
It would always been some cat that would show up at my front door.
Once, when I lived in California, there was this stray cat who came right up to me -- the first time ANY cat had ever done so. I started feeding him, and he kept hanging around. I ended up naming him "Grubby" on account of he was so filthy -- no matter how many times I bathed him, the smell never quite seemed to go away...
Strays have :(
The cats that I adopted from the Humane Society were meant to be my daughters pets. They all have 'adopted' me as their favorite human. My daughter gets a little upset at times that they prefer me to her.
I was razed by wolves...
They are more inclined to adopt my daughter.
Yes my roommates cat. My roommate didn't take very good care of her.
Yes, my kitty cat Missy....I Love her to bits!!!!!
Yes, I was adopted by a family of wolves. We still get together and howl at the moon.
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