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  • yes, its a big turn on. these words coming from a guy of course, lol.
  • turns my guy on every time!!!!!!!!!!
  • even my dad gets hard if i sit on his lap
  • It really depends on the situvation. If a girl has no where to sit, and she sits on a friends lap(who is a guy). it wouldn't turn him on. He's just doing you a favour. it wouldn't turn him on. If the girl is the guys girlfriend or something, then sits on a guys lap even if there are availible seats. it would turn him on.
  • yes I get hard if a woman sits on my lap it feels very intimate as a teenager I couldnt stand up at all for a few minutes after she got up pillows are useful if other people are in the room, mates mocking you as you are stranded in the chair covering your excitement im just easy to turn on
  • umm, i'm not a guy but i'm sure if the male is a teenager it TOTAL does, if he likes the girl. i'm sure my b/f doesn't get turned on...he's just like, "get off my fucking lap." LOL, kidding
  • Hell yeah it does, and not just for teenagers. I'd caution against it if you don't want him thinking like that.
  • Back in high school me and a group of friends used to ride the bus home together. It was always very crowded and it was not uncommon for the girls to sit on the guys laps to save seats. Well one day while we were waiting for the bus I was joking around with this one girl telling her how unattractive I thought she was (which was a total lie, I had had a thing for her for years) She responded, "If I'm so ugly then why do you always have a huge boner when I sit on your lap?!" I went bright red and asked her how she knew. "We can feel it, dummy! Why do you think we keep sitting on your lap? Duh."
  • Depends on what else is on his mind I guess. +5

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