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  • You should wait for your first kiss. It is a great exparience. :)
  • Kissing is weird. If you kiss someone who's really got the hots for you, but you think of them as little above scum, it's not going to be the same as when you kiss someone who you are attracted to, as well as them to you. It's an entirely different experience. Oh, and not to make you jealous and anxious (well, partly), but making out is AWESOME!
  • Don't waste something as magical as your first kiss on a random mouth. Give that little gift to someone worthy of the honor, and make it special for both of you. You don't get a second 'first kiss.' Make it count.
  • Wait for your first kiss and you'll wait. Life doesn't come for you, you gotta go out there and get it. I'd be glad to assist if you need practice getting it right.
  • Wait! It will be worth it. The difference between a kiss with someone your crazy over and with just anybody is like the difference between ice cream or liver and onions. Now what should you do? Now what will you do? It's pure magic when you kiss that special someone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hehe
  • Just go for the first person you feel at least a bit atracted to, it's no big deal, just don't make bigger deal of it than it is, that's when you can get hurt...
  • if you make out with just anyone you won't experience how the first kiss feels, because it won't be from your heart.
  • I'd wait. I kinda did that, well he made out with me, and now i kinda regret it, even though we did like 4 times that night. ugh.

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