• fish cake
  • A naruto is a fishcake with a pink spiral on it, usually put in ramen. His last name, Uzumaki, means whirlpool, which makes a crap load more sense now that his mother has been revealed.
  • its a fish cake. u can find it in ramen. its that white thing with the (pink?) spiral effect.
  • I was under the impression that "naruto" was the equivalent to "strength", but apparently I was wrong...?
  • The word naruto can refer to two things. One is, as many people mentioned, a kind of fish cake often included in Ramen dishes. The second meaning, written é³´é–€ or 鳴戸 is a kind of strait where whirlpools are always violently swirling due to an enclosed body of water being affected by the rising and falling tides. I don't know of any place on Earth like this except in a city in southern Japan appropriately named Naruto-shi (鳴門市). Considering that the fish cake often has pink swirls on it, and Naruto's family name is Uzumaki (渦巻), I think this might be a more accurate description of his name. Also, if I recall correctly, the Fourth Hokage's name was Minato which can mean port or harbor (港), following the trend of water related names maybe.
  • Naruto can mean fish cake (like what they put in Ramen) or it can mean maelstrom. Uzumaki means whirlpool. His name is very fitting.
  • "Naruto" can mean "maelstrom", and is also the name for a sliced stick of kamaboko with a pink whirlpool design in the middle that is used as a topping for ramen, which is Naruto's favorite food. The surname "Uzumaki" is a pun on "spiral" (渦巻), because it refers to a three-dimensional spiral, like a whirlpool or vortex. "Uzumaki" can also mean "whirlpool", in reference to the Naruto whirlpools (鳴門の渦潮), named after the city of Naruto. Source::
  • Fox kid.

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