• Peace is a fruit of God's spirit. Remove God and you remove peace. VGQ+++ -Buddy
  • Considering how much conflict and warfare is done over religious disagreement, I'd like to think so. Probably, though, if religion was taken away we'd just find something else to fight about. Humans are weird like that. I can just picture it now... "String theory is the only workable theory to tie Einsteinian physics to quantum mechanics!" "No, String theory is a nebulous postulation that can never be proven definitively!" "Endorse string theory or die!" "NEVER!" *gunshots*
  • If religion were eliminated, then I strongly doubt that there would be any less conflict than there is now. I keep writing this, but it is not religion that causes the problems. It is the desire for control that is held by evil people that causes conflict. If we got rid of all religion, then those that use religion as an excuse to create conflict would just find some other excuse.
  • I agree with Glenn Blaylock. I think that if there was no religion, we humans would just find another thing to fight about. Although maybe not as much.
  • Religion does not cause war. All wars are economic. Religion is a front. Nationalism is a front. Culture is a front. "Unseating dictators" is a front.
  • Look what religion does; it creates a large part of one's personal identity. To question another's belief is to question their identity, and above all else one wants to maintain that identity, even to the point of violence. I think religion is the greatest contributor to violence, though anything which is identified with will be defended. So if religion was removed, something else would replace it in terms of something to identify with and defend. But the irony of religion is that it keeps in place separation and fear of those who are different all in the name of "God" - lunacy!

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