• I think that the U.S. government is too concerned about foreign matters and not enough about taking care of it's people. Honestly, I do see where they are coming from though. They want to help other people that are less fortunate, which isn't a bad cause. It's kind of like a person who is so intent on helping others that they hurt themselves in the process. Some people call it stupid, and others call it brave and admirable.
  • Because George Bush sucks as president.
  • Because healthcare for all would be "too nurturing" and it wouldn't send the right signal. Killing people shows people that there is a price to be paid for having a different opinion than that of the ruling elite. Same thing for can we give people free college when we have all these BLOODY WARS to pay for??? Plus, what's next if you give them healthcare and education...equal rights for everyone? Gay marriage? Affordable housing? Public financing of elections? My God, WHERE WILL IT ALL END??!!
  • Because Health Care isn't the Governments job. . I am not 100% sure how it works in Europe, but in the US, our founding fathers created the government NOT to interfere in peoples lives... . The basic job of the government in the US is to provide for the defense of the nation and to provide basic infastructure (roads). . Even education isn't one of the basics.....(though i do like public education, I think the US needs to pass the "school voucher" bill that would make it possible for middle-income parents to enroll their kids in higher standards private schools) . . The other reason the US has such a large military budget is because the US military is the main defender of many of the democracy/free nations of the world. (simple example : south Korea)
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