• I don't think there is any question that DiCaprio has a better resume, and has proven to be a quality actor as well. Bloom hasn't proven to be that great of an actor and has not had any defining roles thus far to change that.
  • men people are killing me with questions like this. how in the god's name can you compare leonardo dicaprio with anyone especially with orlando bloom. he is talented as hell, he is like god to the movie industry. he is the best actor of our generation. he is deep and he knows what he does. i can not see any one better than dicaprio committed to his work, he is the best of the best you can't compare him with orlando bloom or jhonny depp, no ofence and all i don't des those 2 actors but comparing them with leo is A BIG BIG JOKE.
  • Leonardo DiCaprio, he is so talented, been in so many movies, always does his best, stuff like that. Sorry, but you can't compare DiCaprio to Bloom. Haven't and probably never will see anyone better then him. So yeah, DiCaprio isn't just better, he is way better.
  • To be honest I prefer Orlando's acting
  • the better actor is leo dicaprio hands down...i can't stand orlando bloom he drives me crazy in a bad way!

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