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  • I have mor than enough of my own battles to face, so it's impossible for me to engage in battles for others.
  • Most of the time when I fight battles it is for other people - or at least my intent is to benefit other people. I just don't feel its worth so much effort when its only about me. I like to think about "the bigger picture".
  • I am fighting my own personal battle. I gave up on my marriage after my husband returned from Iraq with some battles of his own. Instead of helping him trhu it, we both just gave up and went our own seperate ways. Now after 15 months apart and nearing the finalization of our divorce I am having so many regrets. Anyone ever felt like this?
  • I generally let my own battles rage and fight other people's battles instead.
  • I generally stick to the fights I cause. There are enough of those that I don't need to get in anybody else's fights.
  • Neither; I almost never need to fight battles of my own, and while my friends always come to me for advice and help with their battles, they would never want me to take over for them.
  • Both. Hell another person's battle is going on right now in the comment threads under this question. Jerv went after kitt in another thread over something petty and silly without justification, and has since kept running his mouth, even to the point of having to pop his two cents in here under her answer. I stayed out until I actually noticed it by accident. When someone is unjustly gone after like this, even when it is not a "cussing war", I don't stay out of it!
  • For some reason I find myself fighting a lot of battles, for a lot of people. I'm a long haired muscular guy. Everyone thinks I'm violent. They say I have a short fuse, but when something goes down ,they look at me to end it. What am I supposed to do? I've learned to pick my battles more wisely as I've gotten older. Every year though, some "bozo" has to test me. There is always a bully out there. I hate seeing people get picked on. Whaddya gonna do? (shrug)
  • A bit of both
  • Usually other peoples.
  • Both. Always both. I'm protective of myself and my family and my friends.
  • Always battle of my family..
  • Depends. I've been known to do both as the occassion calls for.
  • I've got plenty of my own, thank you. Besides, I'm a lover not a fighter!
  • I fight my own battles.

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