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  • Yes if you take a lot of them and drink a lot of water they work wonderfully. However there are some side effects, your skin can flush and just get very red and itchy, you can get dehydrated nd extensive use can cause liver damage. If you just need to pass one drug test though I highly recommend it, they've never failed me! (Oh, but some tests now test for high levels of niacin too)
  • yes it will, however why don't you just try not doing drugs? I personally don't want someone doing drugs working with me..
  • No. Drug tests these days are highly sensitive and can detect most substances no matter how you try to mask them.
  • A caution about niacin. You may experience a temporary red rash with itching. Niacin, also known as vitamin B3, is a vitamin that the body uses for over 50 known chemical processes. One thing it does is help the body break down fats and cholesterol. Some people believe that since it speeds up fat metabolism a little that it may help speed up the process of eliminating THC from the body. People have tried taking large doses to try flushing out their system before a drug test. There is no evidence at all that this works. Doses of niacin over 2 grams can be risky for the liver. Higher doses of niacin can also cause uncomfortable skin flushing and warmth. There is no guaranteed way to clean drugs out of your system. Drinking lots of water and cranberry juice may speed things up a little or help dilute your urine, but the only way to be sure of beating a drug test is not to use drugs before taking one or using one of the various amusing pre-packaged urine products available.
  • If you want to be clean then do these things.. *take one niacin in the morning and night for atleast 2 weeks before you have to drop. *Drink lots of water. *You can also drink alot of red bull too. Because the oz cans contain 140% of niacin. *Flamin hot chettos contain alot of niacin too. *cranberry juice... These are all things you can do to speed your clean out. There are drinks in health stores such as ready clean that are said to clean your system out.. but they dont work unless you put effort in somewhere else. These things dont work if you do just one of them. You must do all. = D hope i could help.. BTW :: when i say drink alot of water/red bull/cranberry juice.. i mean drink yourself untill you pretty much feel sick. otherwise.. its not going to work.
  • They have worked for me, however it will depend on how much bud u hae occassional user will be clean within 3 days and of drinking lots of water, and about 6 pills (niacin) a what we've done, go in to test with ur p.o with an energy drink...all energy drinks have high amounts of niacin...if they question it, be like...i work alot i gotta have something 2 keep me motavated!!! :-)
  • Sure gell ( gelatin product) half packet 4 hours before the test (eat the gel dry) last half 30 minutes before. It's disgusting and you'll want to throw up, but if you can drink a lot of water it'll help force it to stay down. That's what one of my x's used to do.
  • You can try some of detox products you can find at . Some sets includes home test kit for your convinience
  • I've read on this.. and I've seen many people say they don't work, and others say that it does. Yet STILL I cannot be sure, because in the answers that say "yes they do work" its usually followed by "must drink a ton of water/juice". Which doesn't answer anything about the pill. This is because by drinking a ton of water/juice alone will clean out your system. Kind of an oxymoron if you ask me. I'd like to think they help as I have ONE niacin pill waiting to be used if I find it to work and be worth the side effect. I have taken one before just to see what it's like, but stupidly did not experiment with a drug test. On another note.. for those who feel "uncomfortable" working with someone who does drugs, a man shouldn't be judged by the quality of his piss, rather than the quality of his work. It's marijuana, and if the user overpowers the 'lowered motivational effect' than i see absolutely no problem with working side by side with them.
  • YES!!! Niacin is my saviour! I usually quit smokin a week b4 the test then take 2 before i go to sleep the first night, and 1 a night for the next 3days and drink lots of hydrating liquids.. and on the last night dont take any just drink a bunch of water, gatorade, cranberry juice w/e.. Niacin is not a detox it doesnt show up or cloud the test, its a natural anti-oxident that rids the body of toxins.. its not failsafe but if u have a little bit of time it should work.. dont listen to these dumbasses who think smoking marijuana is bad..
  • do the niacin pills cover coke and how long do you have to take them before the test
  • yes id say in my case they work it depends on how heavy a weed smoker you are? I took 2 niacin pills at midnight the night before the drug test and another 2 the morning of like 1 hour before the test. I got the job so I mustve passed but not sure of the percentages. But you must drink lots of water and cranberry juice. Personally the water and juice cleans your system the pills just push the water and juice through your system faster so you can consume more.
  • will they help to cover up or will they cover up the use of coccaine smokers
  • I feel like just because you do drugs; doesn't mean you are a bad person. I know people that do drugs and it doesn't effected the way they work at there job. Actually they are the best worker there and get so many compliments about how good of a worker they are. I really think if they stop taking the drug issue so seriously it would be alot of good workers. It be the ones that don't do drugs that be the slowest Just ask Bush. Ha ha ha (that was kind of funny)
  • Niacin is sometimes consumed in large quantities by people who wish to fool drug screening tests, particularly for lipid soluble drugs such as marijuana.It is believed to "promote metabolism" of the drug and cause it to be "flushed out." Scientific studies have shown it does not affect drug screenings, but can pose a risk of overdose, causing arrhythmias, metabolic acidosis, hyperglycemia, and other serious problems.
  • worked for me 2 niacin pills with a shot of vinegar and hella lotta cranberry juice and water
  • Hell yeah everyone should smoke pot. If everyone smoked then the world would be a better place. Yeah things might take a little longer than we are used to but thats what we need. Everyone should slow the hell down and enjoy life. Peace be with you!
  • hey does anyone know if you do decide to take Niacin and say it does work, will the marijuana be out for good or just that day? email me please!
  • yes, they saved me. I had to take a drug test every week for almost three years. Real drug tests, that were sent straight to the lab every time. But you have to know how to use them! You can't just take one or two and expect it to work, and you can overdose, which I've done several times when I didn't give myself enough time to take it properly. You need three days for sure. But if you have more time it's better so you don't have to take to many at one time. You start out with one or two pills and wait an hour or two to see how they effect you, you want the flushing and burning, thats how you know it's working. If you don't start burning, Take 2 to 3 more. If you did burn,Thats good and you need to drink a glass of water, eat something small and take two more. If you don't burn real good then you need to up your dosage to three. When three doesn't burn then you take four. Always give yourself about two hours before taking more. When you can take four or five at a time without burning, that's when you know your clean. Keeping liquid in your body each time you take them will keep you hydrated. It always worked for me and I smoked like a freight train!!!
  • yes they do with the help of LOTS OF WATER, i'm talkin a gallon or so before your piss test
  • Yes it dose niacin pills do work just take a little longer. I smoke weed on the daily and I am a pharmacy tech and I can tell you if you stop smoking for at least 3 days and drink 94oz of water for those three day you will flush weed out of you system I have done this before. the reason why everyone keep saying that it dose not work is becuase people want something that will work over night and truth is that it will work just not over night so you have to give these kinds of things time but they do work I have done this before I know for a fact, I would have failed my drug test and lost my job if I had listen to what people said. now I will say this much even though I am on a contract that tells me not to I am about to break it and say it anyway. why do you think that we test for niacin. if niacin did nothing to a drug test and did not cleanse your system, why are some places on the job market testing for niacin? becuase niacin works on the metabolism!! and weed is stored in the fat cells go figure, if you are still wondering how??????? why are you reading this, your are too stupid to figure that one out LMAO
  • do you get the niacin that flushes your system or the other one
  • well I have taken at least 20 drug test and I have passed them all thanks to gods gift"NIACIN" and water but yes niacin does work and 1 day weed will be the worlds #1 cure
  • Yes, niacin does work, however taking niacin alone will not make you pass a drug test. niacin increases bloodflow (burning or itching) opening up your fat cells (where thc is stored). niacin will loosen the thc out but you need to drink plenty of water/ cranberry juice to get the shit out of you completely..any one who says niacin doesnt work most likely waited the day of or the nite before to start taking it. if you are fat as hell then there is no hope and you should stop smoking if you have ne thought of a test coming up within a month at least..for the skinny guys give it at least 3 days and you will be clean with no worries..stay high!
  • im not sure, i hope they do, im getting tested tommrow and im on one right now so yeah.
  • well i have takn niacin, certo and cranberry ad passed my drug test several times!! i would smoke everyday for 6 bto 7 days and quit for a week taking cranberry pills and niacin with water...and the day of the test drnk two packs of certo and i passed to you who say these dont work....maybe it just didnt work for you
  • I have heard nothing but bad stuff about this Niacin. If you do some research on the web, there is no actual proof that this works, but it does have some nasty side effects if you take too much of it. A friend of mine used some products from a company called clear choice to pass her drug test. It might be worth checking them out.
  • what does doing marijuana have to do with morals..whatever... if you have 3 days to a week then niacin will flush you...why? thats what the main fucntion of niacin is ....dietary supplemen..take 2 aday for 3 days and on the fourth day dring nothing but water and cranberry juice......niacin worked for me when i was in the navy and now working for the railroad....murder and getting a traffic citation are only different in that they represent two different degrees of unlawfulness..however. a big dog and a little dog have one thing in common..they're dogs...same with murder and traffic tickets one is little the other big..but both in a way yes we all are law breakers some more extreme than others....i have been smoking since 1985 and has never lost a job or life over weed.
  • My friend took niacin to pass her army drug test, but as with any pills be careful. you take too much and your skin turns red and it feels like your burning. drink lots of water and cranberry juice, it has helped me and other people I know.
  • hi wanted to know do scientis know for a fact that they clean out ur system?
  • wat else can u take to clean marijuana?
  • i've read all the answers ppl put up, and i can honestly say from expierience, it works!! while ur skin is burning or what not,is how u kno its working, or that would be the best time to take the piss yes it does work!! i promise
  • i personally tried this. i took a niacin pill daily for two days and the third day was the day of my test. needless to say, i did pass.. i assume the niacin pills were the cause of my "clean" system. but on the other hand i think that it is very risky because even though it worked for me, it did not work for my friend.
  • niacin wont remove anything . only exercise can burn or release thc from the fat.
  • Niacin(B3) helps the body break down fats in your body, and with plenty of water... your flushing your system many times faster, especially with exercise. I have a test one week from today, I'm a Chronic Chronic Smoker, and have been for years... This is finally the one time i can't use synthetic urine. (It's my fuckin' privacy I'm protecting, for those stereotypical fucks) Some people can, others can't. anyways, I've used niacin for a home test, and passed. Drink shit loads of water, take 500mg of niacin every few hours(not the flush free type)gnc and high health sells it in 100mg pill forms. like 15 bucks. I'm paranoid when it comes down to this...court. buy vitamins, and also, not sure if this will help, but i can only imagine, cranberry pills from concentrate. I'm taking about 1400mg a day of niacin, I work outside, so exercising isn't really an issue, i take a cranberry pill for every niacin. the burning sensation aint bad... nothing like a sunburn. 2-3 nights before your test, drink some nyquil, to put you on your ass and pass out, and take 1000-2000 mg of niacin, and fall asleep. slow down the water intake a day or two before the test, and piss alot before you test. I'll let all you know how it worked.... worked before. Don't take my word for it, but with my size, so far i'm 1 for 1. how about ONLY THE PEOPLE WHO HAVE TRIED NIACIN ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS... OTHERWISE IT'S SIMPLY AN OPINION, AND YOUR OPINION DOESN'T MATTER...TRUTH. (mind you i'm 145 lbs. 5'10" with practically no fat at all.) Judge the man by the quality of his work, not piss.
  • yes it is true especially for weed my boyfriend drinks a bunch of water and takes niacin before he goes to see his probation officer and he has passed every drug test because of it
  • And, For the record books, Niacin breaks down the fat content, and begins to flush it... that's where the water comes in to play...
  • i love weed. dont get me wrong. yes weed is bad. its a drug ofcourse. some natural will kill you though likke payote, eat that. youll start seeikng like water goods and stuff. that what had the indians all messed with, :D just a flower off cacti. but its dangerous. but im going to try the tips. thanks.
  • Yes, Niacin does work. you have to take the niacin pills and when you do what it does is literally burns the thc out of your body. By literally I mean it. It feals like a HUGE volcano inside you body and your in a furnace. It hurts like a mother fuc but one pill every six hours for 24 hours will completely rid you of the thc because you burned it out of your body. you drink water so that you won't throw up [body's natural defense] and to try to maintain yourself. Make sure your alone though because you'll look like you've been cooked alive for about 1.5 hours after you take the pill [takes about 15 minuets to kick in, trust me you'll know [ first time may be up to an hour to kick in] ]. NIACIN WORKS ASK ANYONE WHO HAS TAKEN A DRUG TEST USING THIS METHOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • the best thing to do when you choose to smoke is drink water constently and have a energy drink here and there dont ever give weed a chance to build up in ur system. ya weed is legal but i almost everyone i have met has tried it or is doing it. you just have to be smart about it and you wont get caught... for all you fuks that say it takes 30 days for a average person--you guys are fucking ignorant and just believe the government lies... ya it might take somone 30 days but not the smart people. weed is not as bad as achohal. so if you drink dont come at me with all the you shouldnt smoke weed bullshit---cuz u fuckin dumbass people need to open your horizens and realize weed is a fuckin plant and everyone should be able to smoke and not worry about it

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