• Because love penetrates the soul, and the soul has no visible image. ---------- Translation: true love is not skin deep.
  • the question I think is little wrong. why love is blind ? true love is never blind, the person knows the other person completely, inspite knowing his/her weaknesses he/she loves him/her and it stays forever no matter what happens. now what you are asking is : is love blind ? I would call that love as an obsession... and you know obsession is always blind.
  • Normally u say that when things start going wrong. Or you are in love with someone not your league.
  • Unfortunately to many love is not blind. Let me explain why I feel that way. When love is blind those who are inlove don't see race, religion, physical imperfections like weight or beauty age etc. For many love is not blind because they can't get past the things I have mentioned above. Especially race and physical imperfections. as we grow older though some learn to be more accepting of many of the factors that prevent love from being blind. When love is truly blind it shouldn't matter that their skin is a diffrent color, or they are 200 lbs over their ideal weight or 50 lbs under it. It shouldn't matter that on the outside someone is not physically beautiful. We shouldn't care that someone is 30 years older or younger than us of course that is unless that would make one party a minor then we should care. Too often so many of us are unwilling to relax our standards of who we will be in a relationship with. Frankly it is quite sad when many of us do that because we miss out on opportunities to be with someone who could be our perfect match in almost every way except they aren't the right race religion weight aren't pretty or handsome enough etc. The world would be a much better place and less people would be alone in this world if we all just learned to relax our standards a little bit and not let such silliness stand in our way of opening our hearts to someone.
  • Love is blind because when you love someone you don't see their imperfections. You don't notice the graying hair, the laugh lines or crows feet. When you look into the eyes of your beloved you see only beauty looking back at you.
  • Because some very nice people are really ugly;)
  • because if it wasn't it would be lust
  • As to me i think love is blind.when u in a true love that mean u try to do everything which are good or bad to me to make your valentine is always happy.Many people willing to die for person they love: Rommeo and Juliet is a great proof for my idea.I love to hearing your ideas. Plaese contact me:
  • i only have a mirror...
  • love is not blind it sees but in never mind....
  • Love is blind because love is an act of faith in your partner. The relationship is one of your most treasured possession, and that makes you biased. The reason I believe love is an act of faith is because we never know if the person we love feels the same way, or if the relationship will last, but if you love them, you will believe it. It's as if love in the community might cause you to do something kind and selfless(ish?) even though you have no clue if it will ever be appreciated or have an effect. In both cases we just believe it because there's no other way to love without that faith.
  • you'd have to be in love to know that.
  • It's not, love allows you to see things very clearly. That is how you can forgive, accept and stand by the person whom you love. It is infatuation that leads the emotions of the heart blindly. What happens is that people can't tell the difference.
  • For the same reasons it's deaf and DUMB too. DNA and hormones are messing your instruments for their own purposes.
  • because LOVE masturbated too much as a kid.
  • one of my favorite quotes is love ture love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly meaning u dont fall in love based on what you see on the outside but you fall well i mean grow in love with the person inside their personality attracts you more than their looks love is not blind to the people who cant get past looks because its the only thing they are looking for in a person but to other people its is at first but after they truly get to know the person their personality starts to show on the outside
  • Because ur supposed to trust the partner no matter what the circumstance.
  • Because sometimes when you are in love you don't see the negative side of your partner. And/or because you love them for that negative side.

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