• I don't.
  • It's all a matter of taste. Everyone likes different things.
  • Or, why do some women prefer dark haired guys over blonde? Same question. Who knows? They say we get our "love map" at an early age. Even before we become sexually mature. So, it may have something to do with our own family and what the dominant hair color was, etc. Or, possibly, was a cutie in school whom you had a crush on blonde or brunette? I don't think there is one answer for this.
  • Less brains, more hummers. It's a matter of perspective. Which is more important to you?
  • because if all men preferred brunettes, us blondes wouldn't have an opportunity to breed, would have died off a long time ago when we first mutated, and wouldn't be around to have this conversation! :)
  • The same reason some prefer redheads...It's all in what they like..
  • It's generally a personal preference. Basically like all other preferences.
  • Why do some men prefer chocolate over vanilla? Fords over Holdens? It's just a preference kinda thing. Me, I've got a thing for redheads. I'm powerless in their presence for some reason.
  • As you'll notice when you look at the children growing up around you, hair darkens with age--flaxen hair often turns to dark blonde by teenage or adult years. So blondeness represents youth, and for whatever reason, youth represents attractiveness. I thought I was pretty smart for figuring this out, but someone else also did and nine other "politically incorrect truths about human nature":
  • Because it's a cultural thing. Different places at different times hold different ideals of beauty. Only dumb shallow bastards let this take control of their sexuality, however.
  • Honestly i do not know why some men do this. I never really cared too much about the color of a womans hair. In fact that has to be the least reason to accept or deny another person for any reason.
  • For the same reasons that some men prefer brunettes over blonds... we all have our own preferences. The bigger question is why has this societal stereotype developed that lends preference to blonds in terms of desirability and beauty. I fear this is a remnant of Americas European heritage from the days when blond and blue eyed were considered pure-er bloodlines.
  • Probably the same reason that some women prefer guys with dark hair. People are attracted to different things, thank God. There's someone for everyone.
  • A theory is that its evolutionary. It was once smarter to search for a lighter haired/complexioned mate because it was easier to tell her age (and therefore her fertility).
  • Tis what they are attracted to.
  • I can't resist blondes and find them incredibly attractive, I'm sure some geek will look it up and give valid explanation for this.
  • I don't know. I've seen plenty of ugly blondes in my time. When I was a kid looking through porno magazines I decided to try and figure out if blonde haired girls or black haired girls were better looking. My conclusion was that they were both as gorgeous as each other and I've never worried about it since. I've seen plenty of stunners, uglies and plains in my time and I don't think hair colour can guarantee which you'll get. I think the whole blonde stereotype came about purely as a way of describing a beautiful, young, fun-loving, sex-mad girl in a one syllable word for the sake of the media. Maybe the brighter hair colour is more photo-genic, easier to notice, (especially in the days of black and white movies. Or course, Marilyn Monroe had her bit to contribute there). Maybe it has something to do with the sex laws in Sweden. So again. Short answer: I don't know. From my experience hair colour guarantees nothing about the rest of the package.
  • Personally, I prefer brunette.
  • well, i've been blonde and am naturally brunette, which i have reverted back to now. i turned blonde in the hope of increasing my confidence - because of that old saying. then i went back to brunette 8 yrs after and i feel incredibly sexy being my natural colour. as far as men goes, i attracted the same number whatever colour my hair was.
  • Why do some men prefer tall women to short? Big boobs to small? Legs to butts? I think this is just personal preference or else only the blondes would get all the men. Trying to view this from a strictly objective standpoint, however, blonde GLOWS. When a blonde woman walks into any room, her hair glows like a halo. She is more visible than a brunette, just at FIRST GLANCE. It's the same as a very tall person entering a room. Blonde catches the eye, I believe. My wife happens to be a tall blonde. My first wife was a short brunette. I don't know what the hell that means, lol. But, here's a great joke on brunettes, from my blonde wife, who actually loves blonde jokes. How many brunettes does it take to change a light bulb? Only one, but she has all Saturday night to do it! ;-)
  • I have no clue!
  • men prefer blondes over burnetts because blondes are easier
  • Brunettes.. I always have (& will) dislike Blond hair. TOO many people tries to wear it & it is a BIG cliche now. I know that MANY blondes claim "I'm not dumb"...Riiiiiiiiiiight ;).
  • When I jump on a pile of wimmen, I like the blondes to be on top, the redheads next, and the brunettes on the bottom. This way, when I'm digging down, I know what to expect according to the layer.
  • y wouldnt they perfer blondes im naturally blonde and fine as hell so y would u pick a brnette over me lol
  • i dont know but i have a somewhat fetish for black hair. that shit is so hot. blondes are almost an instant turn off for me. maybe i have a miswired brain or something.
  • Thats not true what so over! Im a blonde..marlyn monroes colour n i was brunette naturaly n ive had alot mor atention of boys n men when im out or every day lifestyle than when i was brunette....N trust me im not easy whatsover i have a limit VERY sensible when it comes to stuf lik that.. men prefer blondes because its a rare colour u dont see a heard of blondes cumn ur way evryday do u? u see heaps on brunets everywer u turn.But 2 see a gorjous blonde cumn ur way would be jst WOW to be honist guys! X
  • Is very basic. Human beings are naturally attracted to gold and the gold like color. Why do you think that people talk about gold fever???? its obvious that as far as beauty is concern both brunettes and blondes are equally beautiful but the blondes stand out more and are more appealing in general than brunettes are "Gold fever" is a human thing. That's also why Most women would color their hair blonde more than blonde women would color their hair dark. Blue eyes are also more beautiful than dark eyes. So blonde blue eye would be more the choice of the majority of people. Is also true that some people would prefer brunettes over blondes. But that's not the majority. "Gentleman prefer blonde"
  • every guy is different an will like different things
  • This is very basic. Human beings are naturally attracted to gold and the gold like color. Why do you think that people talk about gold fever???? its obvious that as far as beauty is concern both brunettes and blondes are equally beautiful, but the blondes stand out more and are more appealing in general than brunettes are. "Gold fever" is a human thing. That's also why most women would color their hair blonde more than blonde women would color their hair dark. Blue eyes are also more beautiful than dark eyes. So blonde blue eye would be more the choice of the majority of people. Is also true that some people would prefer brunettes over blondes. But that's not the majority. "Gentleman prefer blonde".
  • Historically, rarer genetic traits are more attractive. Since blonde hair is a recessive trait, it is less common, hence more attractive. (same goes for blue eyes, which is generally on the same chromosome). Not trying to give blond hair a positive connotation or anything, but it's like a canary diamond - the less people that have it, the more valuable (or pretty) it is. It may also have to do with tha Aryan race and may even go back before Hitler, but idk. :)
  • For the same resson some men prefer tall women to shorter women, doctors to lawyers to indian chiefs. Good grief, why doesn't everybody want the same everything? Because everybody is different. I'm married to a short brunette and in the past was married to a tall blond.
  • Typical stereotype! The big misconception is that most men still prefer blondes over brunettes!! Not true, many studies show and prove statistically otherwise!! So stop just assuming most men prefer blondes over brunettes!! And as for the ones who do some just like the lighter color, others see it as blondes=easy. Or at least the fake ones anyways! Because it’s not really the natural blondes who are the easiest anyway, manly the bleached fake ones!
  • I don't know, I prefer reds and brunettes over blonds.
  • poor taste, I would think! (c'mon, Blondes, don't bash me 'cuz I'm a brunette!)
  • Because there's less of them!
  • Cause it is so easy to pull the blonde down over their eyes.
  • I am an intelligent, young, and natural blonde woman and some of these comments are pretty offending. What ever happened to being attracted to someone because of who they are? Wow, society is fucked because people can not remain open minded and instead continue to fall into sterotypes. It is sad to watch. To all you "post Hitlers": Hair color is not relevent to intelligence. Same with eye color... Seriously it is depressing reading what grown adults or anyone who has written a hatefull and ignorant comment on this topic. Get an education cretins!
  • im not to sure but i guess i should be glad im blond
  • i personally think the men who go for blondes like to have it easy hahaha..and their taste is not as sexy as those that go for brunettes..guys that go for brunettes r real men who can handle a woman with intelligence and beauty..brunettes r way sexier and mysterious and unique looking over blondes anyday
  • I wonder if Scandinavians prefer blondes to brunettes! Or if Mediterranean people prefer brunettes to blonds!
  • They do? I wasn't aware of that? "Gentlemen" probably prefer blonds... because they can afford them. heh heh... Im kidding, and as a brunette, I just had to do it! No offence Blondies!
  • blondes have more fun. most of my friends are blonde, and we have SO much fun :)
  • I was told this (by a man): some men love blonds, some men love brunettes but every man loves a red head.....
  • cause most of them blondies are freaks.. haha
  • I do not discriminate against hot blondes or brunettes. It's all the same to me...
  • Maybe because they think they are dimmer
  • Because they are too shallow to see beyond the hair color. What if you missed out on the love of your life because she had the wrong color hair?
  • My fiancee doesn't prefer me because im blond, it's because im a good person and he loved me before he saw me ^_^
  • So a movie gets released 55 years ago that has the title "Gentleman Prefer Blondes" and it suddenly become common belief that it's the case today? I'm not even sure it was the case then. I think a blonde actress headlining a movie called Gentleman Prefer Brunettes wouldn't have been quite as successful, personally. But studies have been done which largely contradict that saying. I'm not suggesting that brunettes are more heavily favored, but it stands to reason that no one hair color is ever going to be more heavily favored by a sex since as has been stated, everyone's preferences differ. So if you're thinking blondes "have more fun" or "gentleman prefer blondes" because they're constantly said (by blondes, not ironically) or because it's a title in a movie, then you're being purposefully narrow-minded or frighteningly naive.
  • because they think blonds are dumb, so the guy ends up thinking hes smarter then her when hes really not. hes just making a poor choice because of the color of her hair!
  • Men are not mindless, they do as they please. It is a preference caused by personal opinion.
  • Oh I guess the world can't be perfect for you, sorry.
  • They're obsessed with hair.
  • Why do some people prefer vanilla over chocolate?
  • I prefer the darker hair color black if posible it is why lovely it's on optical thing.
  • im a light haired girl but i get told that guys prefer dark haired girls and i dont really mind because i know that cant be a reason for a guy not to get with a girl i believe blondes brunettes and readheads are all hot and attrative

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