• I agree with you, I think it is rude.
  • Yes. It is rude to blow you nose within earshot of any other human being. Besides the fact that it's stomach-churningly (like my new word?) disgusting.
  • It does put me off my food...but i think its rude to NOT let someone blow their nose. Besides, its better than listneing to them sniffle through the whole thing.
  • I don't think it's wrong, i think picking your nose and/or spitting is worse.
  • Yes you are. Think about it like this, what would you prefer, someone blowing their nose or someone with a big green bogey hanging out and dripping into their food?
  • we all suffer from different things.continuous nose blowing at the table is wrong.a person can get a sudden runny nose by smelling the perfume you ever think of whatever you do is's whatever other people does offends you. do you consider it annoying to hear a baby crying on the plane?or really feel sorry for the toddler because the cabin pressure is ears splitting? lighten-up,give a little love.
  • Blowing and making noise is probably rude but what about a quiet little wipe? I do that.
  • There's noseblowing and then there's NOSEBLOWING!! If it's quiet and subtle, then it's not so bad, but if it's "foghorn central", then its rude and gross.
  • I would rather hear nose blowing than see the alternative.
  • I think it's fine to just wipe the nose but not blow it ....gross.
  • I think it is at a table, i usually excuse myself to the restroom, or bathroom.
  • No, you're not wrong. It's gross to hear that honking while you're trying to eat. A polite person would excuse themselves and go do that in the restroom. Anyone who thinks it's okay shouldn't have a problem with me throwing up in their plate.
  • I'll take a discreet nose blowing over constant sniffling or drooping mucus anyday : )
  • it is disgusting.and ridiculous
  •'s gross! It should be done in private! Some people have weaker stomachs than others...
  • Anything that has to do with any bodily functions while eating should be done in the restroom. That's what they are there for.
  • no cause it is rude
  • Sometimes the food is really spicy and a little wipe is in order...hopefully on a different napkin...but when they honk it and go back for seconds and thirds to make certain it's all gone - that's just wrong.
  • OK. I will stop blowing my nose at the table and just let her run and drip. Or I may add some really heavy duty sniffing to suck it all back up so you don't get your tender sensibilities battered and bruised. Some people have noses that tend to run while eating. Running to the loo every few bites would be pretty rude to many who are so concerned with table manners. Your best bet is to quiz people before you share a table with them. I will continue to do what I think is the best I can, which is to discretely blow my nose and not overtly disrupt an otherwise pleasant meal.
  • As a person with allergies, I keep tissue with me at all times just in case. I have on occasion been seated where a strong scent (example - perfume or cigarette smoke) has cause my nose to run. I try to be discreet and not blow, but if I feel I need to blow, I get up and go to the restroom, where I won't offend anyone. If my runny nose is due to a cold, I don't go to a restaurant, because I don't want to infect others.
  • Yes and no. 1. it depends on what comes out of your nose when you blow it. 2. How loud it is. 3. The proximity of the nose blowing offender to your table 4. Age. People who are contagious and sick shouldn't be going out to crowded places because all they're doing is infecting other people with the cold/flu virus. When they touch the table they leave their viruses on there so the next person that sits down to eat will likely catch it. The waitress wipes the table with a wet cloth. Carries the viruses to other tables by the same process. Nose blowing should be outlawed in public places and offenders should received 10 lashes and 10 canings.
  • Nope your right on. It discusts me to think it now.
  • Absolutely not! Even if you are sick/have allergies, you should be polite enough to excuse yourself to the restroom!
  • As long as you don't stare at the tissue afterward, like your expecting to blow a quarter out of it or something...
  • Yes it can be rude; but it may not be something they can control or will not wait till they reach thr restroom. The other thing is no matter how much we dislike something it will not stop people from doing it.
  • is verrry rude to blow one's nose at the table..either at home or eating out..bec. the act of eating should be enjoyable..pleasant..and blowing one's nose is not a pleasant sound..Sorta like there are some acceptable subjects that are pleasant to discuss while eating..and there are some subjects that are gross to discuss..If one's nose needs attention while you are at the table..then quietly excuse yourself, go into another room nearby..and take care of the nose issue..
  • well, its kinda gross.
  • I think not blowing your nose at the table is ruder. Leaving to blow your nose in polite company would seem strange and prudish.
  • Well, it depends.. Loud, and very dramatic nose blowing would be unattractive, if following a sneeze, it might be necessary, but if i had to blow my now, i think i would just excuse myself and go to the restroom, as it is person, but yuck.. NO,,FOR SURE GO TO THE RESTROOM, IF POSSIBLE, (THATS MY FINAL ANSWER)
  • aburtly excuse yourself from the table to the restroom if possible there blow your nose there just get away from everybody's table it is rude and anyone who does it without thought I don't look down on them I just think they were not taught better but this is extremely bothersome to many people who wants to hear you vacating your glob of snot while they are eating yikes
  • I don't do it but only because it makes me uncomfortable. I don't get bothered by someone else doing it
  • I agree with another poster that bodily functions should be taken care of in the restroom. Now, there is also the matter of if you're able to be discreet. If you're eating something spicy,'ll make your nose run sometimes. But those who sound like a foghorn? Come on! That's just nasty!
  • I personally think that you should always try to leave the room to blow your nose, whether anyone is eating or not. It makes me sick to hear stuff coming out of someone's nose. It's nasty. Plus, what happens if you don't get it all, and there is a hanger on? Just the thought makes me shudder!
  • anywhere near the kitchen table is profanely rude, in a restaurant is intolerably rude. my ex-husband blew his nose in the cloth napkin at a restaurant. I was appalled the first time he did that (for a variety of reasons) and just could not get him to understand it was obnoxious as well as unsanitary. I did say EX- husband LOLOLOLOL
  • Yes, it's extremely RUDE!!...This is a situation where I would actually say something to the nose blower, even in a public place...
  • I think a little wiping if your nose is running is less rude than getting up and disturbing a group of diners so you can leave the room for a minute. But if you do need a good 'nose blowing', sure it's better to leave the table.
  • NO it is very rude. That is just like picking a boogie at the table. GROSS. No one wants to hear that when they are eating.
  • i think its rude anywheres, i hate it when im in church and hear people doing that there

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