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  • 100 days.
  • There is no definate answer to that question. There are a lot of variables. If you smoke once a week thc will not be present as long as if you smoke 2 or 3 times a week. THC has a cummulative effect, i.e. it builds up in your system over time. Your individual metabolism also has a significant effect on how long the drug is present. For instance, if you have a high metabolism you will remove the drug faster. Body weight is a good indicator of how high your metabolism is. If it seems like you can eat and eat and never gain any weight your metabolism is probably high. I am going to assume, for the sake of my argument, that this is in regards to a drug-test for employment or a probation drop-test: There are a number of ways to help speed up the removal of THC from your system. Most of the products sold in head shops and considered tried and true by friends DO NOT WORK. Things such as Ready-Clean. The makers of these products know this and still make extravagant claims to the success of their products. The truth is their success rate is marginal. The best way to remove THC is to drink A LOT of water every day for a week or so prior to the test. Along with this take non-flush products that will boost your immune system(this excludes Niacin and for some tests goldenseal). Antibiotics will work for this, as well as caffine(in small amounts) Don't down 50 caffine pills or anything like that its dangerous to do so. As a supplement you can drink a bottle of distilled vinager(its gross I know) Doing this will help your body break up and expel the fat lining in your bladder where most of the THC is stored. For best results this is best done 1 week prior to testing. Hope this helps, The green party.
  • I always heard it was 30 days...not sure though.
  • To my knowledge about two weeks for a saliva sample, one month for a urine sample and 3 months from a hair strand sample.
  • My brother who has no fat on his body was able to pee clean in 6 days. I on the other hand had to wait closer to 40 days. It does depend on the persons usage and fat content. I have to wonder if the person that said 100 days is a heavier version od Thomas Chong...I mean DAMN!!!!! Best solution is to drink LOTS of water and cranberry juice, and make friends with your cardio equipment. Sweating it out helps the process along.
  • TCH will stay in your system primarily dependent upon the amount you smoke, as it is stored in fat cells. If you just smoke a joint or two a week, you could be clean within a few days if you flush your system with plenty of water on a regular basis. If you smoke several joints a week, you could test positive for several weeks. You decide.
  • About 30 days.
  • Three to 30 days depending on amount consumed and your metabolism. In general for both urine and blood - one month.
  • If you're a regularly user, expect it to be out of your urine in 30 days. If you used it once or twice, it takes less than a week, usually. I'm not sure about for blood tests.
  • I was a daily user of marijuana for years and just tested positive on my 48th day. I do carry some extra weight as well, which may be working against me. I took a JANT Accutest 5-panel urine screen at home, which at least saved me the embarrassment of testing positive for a job.
  • About a month... i used to drink a ton of water to try to pee it out of my system if i had to go to the doctor or something...
  • dont have a good anwnswer..i was in a house the other day for about i min and people were smoking weed.i took a drug test five days later do u think i will pass,i havent smoked before that in years,,
  • So I smoked like 6 days in the past 2 weeks do you think i can pass the drug test in 8 days?
  • Another worry wart. What if you smoked some sheesh that could have been laced with mary jane? I only took two hits off it, one really big the other smaller. It tasted like sheesh so I'm thinking it wasn't much but I'm in a situation where I could be tested randomly and even if i test positive they don't take lightly to the "I didn't know bit." I'm pretty fit ( I go to the gym 2 times a day 6 days a week) and I'm in a pretty hot climate so it should last longer than a few days right?
  • I smoked for 25 years but have been clean 3 1/2 years--I am overweight but do get exercise. Am I likely to fail a test ?
  • I lived in Holland where smoking is not a legal issue. The coffee shops sell to anyone over 18. Carrying five grams is considered OK by the police. I smoked 1-2 grams per day (1-4 small bowls) for 3 years. Being typical Dutch, I had a bicycle, but no car. Rain or shine, I rode my bicycle an average of about 90 minutes every day because my job and girlfriend were in a different town from where I lived. For fun, on long summer days, I would ride my bike between Rotterdam and Amsterdam, but these trips were full-day 10-12 hour rides to make the round trip. Knowing that I would be returning to America for work, I quit smoking 6 weeks before I had to drop a urine for a job application. In America, I used the detox drink products before I dropped the urine, just to make sure that I would pass the test. I tested at 25 nanograms and they withdrew the job offer even though I never used marijuana illegally. I felt screwed - 6 weeks without a toke and denied a good job! I spent almost $6000 moving from A'dam to Portland, OR, and there I was, jobless!
  • Generally about 30 days. Could be longer if you smoke on a regular basis. If you're a regular toker, then quit for about 60 days and you should be clean. There are over the counter drug tests you buy at drug stores. They cost from $40 - $60, but at least you'd have an idea of how clean you are.
  • where can i find niacin? does it really work and how much should i take? i smoke 3-4times a week and have a perfect metabolism for my age (15)
  • As a nurse and spending many hours pouring over this subject (because i am a regular user during my downtime)I have to make one point clear. Most people test positive for 10-20 days if they are a regular user and drink their recommended 8-10 8oz glasses of water a day. Diuretics such as HCTZ can be helpful to clear urine. One thing I have noticed from above converstation is that a heavy user will test in 30 days clean- unless dehydrated. If you flush your sustem with water remember that if your urine is too clear they will weigh for specific gravity. This means they will test the weight of urine against the weight of water. Urine should naturally weigh more than water because of exspelled minerals and other filtered toxins. If this happens-they will disregard the test and make you test again so use a strong multivitamin. Women should be extra careful according to menstral cycles where blood particles carried from your last cycle can hold thc in the sloughed cells and even though you've gone a full 30 days these particles can still be in your urine. Drink lots of water at least 1 week before and during test and dont forget the vitamins! Also remember that other things can contribute to false-positive such as excessive ibuprofen use.
  • Im female 5'7" 136 lbs with pretty good metabolism, and tomorrow i have a drug test. last time i smoked was 25 days ago...(3 hits on oct. 10, and 1 hit on oct. 11) before that i hadn't smoked in over two years. im always drinking water, i walk/jog/run almost everyday and work on my abs. i eat pretty healthy, i try to stay under 1400 calories a day. i am very nervous because i really want this job i just went into an interview today and unexpected drug test with in 24 hours. almost all my friends smoke, so ive been around it but havent actually smoked it in since october. i was requested to drink more than a gallon of water within that 24hours and to take two pills of niacin for last minute. in my case, is it more than likely that im in the clear?
  • Daily user for over 6 years. Stopped using 30 days ago and still counting. Recently applied for a job with the gov't - fed agency. What should I do? If selected, I probably want get tested for another 15-45 days due to the hiring process.
  • Thank you all for info. I have heard that even if you smoke one joint, the effects can last for 6 weeks or so. I've also heard it stays in your system for 3-6 months. So, its refreshing to hear that it can be otherwise.
  • I smoked 2-4 times a day for 23 days, and I am 5'8 and I weigh 140 pounds, I have ok metabolisim, how long would it take for me to be clean? does Nicin work?
  • urine: Single use: 1-6 days Weekly use: 3-9 days Daily use: 7-30 day hair: 90 days saliva: 10 - 24 hours Blood: 2-3 days after infrequent use, up to 2 weeks after frequent use
  • i havent smoked since thanksgiving day! I just took a at home drug test medtox that is 98% accurate i failed for thc its been over thirty days! i've been a daily user for a LONG time. How much longer should i expect to fail for thc? When should i try testing myself again? thanks
  • Interesting topic might i Say! 1 Factors i realized left out of these answers: Level/Height of each "toke". 30 days and medtox couldn't find THC, (not toke) bush/ grass (you've been pooped on!) The most accurate THC removal period and method heard/read/tested is 90-120days & allot/plenty/massive quantities of h20(water) PS. cranberries also work and exercise(THC stores in fat cell like pages in news library)no exaggeration needed. this stuff is easy to find.
  • I weight 150 pounds and am 5 7. I smoked like 3 blunts a day for 3 days straight and then a couple bong rips and that was it. Will I be clean in 3 weeks?
  • I am 5' 4" tall, 140lbs. and I smoked 4 to 5 blunts a day for ten years. I quit and drank only water after quitting. People say that doesn't help and it might not, but this is what I did. Nine days later, I drank a gallon of water over 3 to 4 hours and PASSED with flying colors!
  • My understanding is two weeks.
  • So to all you all people thinking weed is out of your system in 30 days hear my story. I've blazed for 12 years smoking on avg. an ounce of heads a week and I've quit due to being put on probation for getting busted growing it. 95 days later I'm still pissing positive... I've luckily found a detox drink that works for me every month for my test but its expensive I spend around 120$ just for the drink(s).. Ones not enough if your life depends on it. Anyways, 95 days of clean time and I exercise every other day, all I drink is water, and I'm skinny. 5'11 185# So to all you ALL KNOWING people out there telling everyone the WRONG information FUCK OFF. I realize everyone's different and don't consume as much as I have or as often but if you've blazed you better prepare for the worst. Just a heads up. Someone speaking from experience unlike everyone else saying OMG 30 DAYS IS MAX.
  • 3-45 days typically (also depends on your metabolism and how fat you are - THC is stored in your fat cells). I smoke a lot and pass every drug test by using the detoxifying products AND quitting for at least 72 hours prior to the test. Drink lots of water as well. Side Note: If your a crack head, it's out of your system in 48 hours, so why the hell are they drug testing for weed!!
  • Um.... I smoked for the first time on Saturday and then again on Monday. I am 5'6", 210lbs and have a drug test coming up for work on Monday. Can I pass?
  • I don't know! I'm a bit frustrated right now. My son wants to join the Navy but was smoking pot for a couple years pretty regularly. He says he slowed down the month before he quit and that was about 3 weeks ago. We did a test at one week and he was positive so he went on an exercise program, sat in a sauna daily, and drank lots of water. He is 5'10" 130lbs so really he has NO FAT. He has even lost 5lbs. Last week at the two week mark we did a test and it was negative. Today we did TWO tests and they BOTH show "preliminary" which means there is something there and you have to send it off. What could possibly do this????
  • I didnt read all the answers before posting this so maybe its answered already. I cant last up to a few months to be honest depending on how heavy the person smoked and metabolism etc. Normally it will be gone within 1 month.
  • Depends on how much fat cells you have in your body. Fat holds onto it longer
  • The normal consuption amount of water for a human weighing 150lbs is 65.963 US Ounces Of Water. With that you would need around 27 days of drinking that solid to pass a drug test. Increase the amount of water the days do go down but thc is similar to fat cells and actually cling to them. So the higher percentage of body fat the more time it will take to become clean of thc. Also you can actually overdose of water. Go to the link if you dont belive me . Well since my last long answer just got deleted because I wasnt signed in, I'll make this short. I was in the military for several years and smoked just about every weekend and never failed a single drug screen. This is how I done it- For drug screens I suggest 2 products. One is called surejel and can be found in any grocery store by the geletin. What this does is masks the THC cells(which are similar to fat cells) by coating them with geletin the down side to this is after mixing it up with water it tastes absolutely horrible and only works for around 5 hours. Another method (and I suggest using both) is actually cleansing this can be done by drinking lots of water and using water purification pills.The water purification tablets can be found at any wal-mart in the camping section a good product is called potable aqua The water purification pills are simply Iodine tablets used to purify questionable water in a survival situation. The downside to this is that the iodine tablets have been known to cause damage to kidneys if used for a prolonged time. So only use them at most every 2-3 weeks. From one smoker to another I hope this helps. Its not quite as informal as my initial answer but im sure it will more than help. Happy smoking and may big buds and clean piss be in your future.
  • 30 days is the range for regular smokers, but more frequent smokers it can be in your system for up to 3 months, no sh*t ;) if you smoke every now and then, I'd say 2 weeks or so...
  • does anyone know if scerto works to flush THC from your system
  • I get so tired of hearing this 30 days crap. This is not true. I am a chronic user, I smoke many times throughout the day. I stopped smoking on March 18. I tested myself at day 35 came up positive, I tested again at day 42 came up positive. I tested myself again at day 52 and had a light line. I tested again at day 60 using the first morning urine and was clean with a dark line. The moral of the story is each individual is different. I am 5'8 204 lbs, I work out 3-4 times a week, and it took me 60 days to finally rid myself of the THC metabolites. If you need to clean out it may take you 2-3 months, don't listen to these fools who say 30 days, the best way to know is buy some tests and test yourself at different days, and times of the day.
  • thc has never been in my body, so, no time at all
  • i want to smoke weed for my first time in live im 16 years old i do 4 days a week exercise im 5.74 ft tall and i weight 143.30 lb and i drnk the recomended amount of water daily but im scared to get caught i want to know about how long would it take the THC to leave my sistem
  • I have never flunked a test. There is a ton of info no thc etc. at . Very important and interesting information that will help anyone with your type of question.
  • The THC stays from 3 to 90 days in your body depending on how often you use it, level of activity, water intake, metabolism, and your % of fat in the body. If you smoke one time it will remain for 3 days, if you smoke occasionally (2 times a week) it will remain around 30 days, if you smoke daily it will remain around 60 days. All these numbers can be affected by your level of activity, water intake and % of fat. If you are a fat person these days can go up to 1/2 more, for example if you smoke daily that typically will remain 60 days it will go up to 90 days to get you clean. Do a lot of exercise and drink a lot of water so you can get clean a little bit faster. Buy some thc drug tests and good luck.
  • In , RDT's use saliva tests, how long after smoking for the first time can it be detected in saliva? Does water, brushing teeth and all of that help with saliva tests?
  • i smoked one time on last week and i have a drug test in 2 weeks will i pass. i took 3 hits maybe and not even good ones

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