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  • invite them to one of your sexy parties.
  • find out which one likes you more. Think about who treats you better, and who you could see yourself getting close to.
  • I would ask myself which one I liked more.
  • Take some time to think about the qualities and traits of each of them. Then pick the one that is nicer. I.E. the one with whom you share the most common ground. A lack of this common ground is one of the main reasons that relationships fail. If they are fighting over you I would suggest dissmissing them both for a lack of maturity. (its your choice of course) After you take some time to think about it you may even decide you don't like either one of them. Regardless be nice when you break the news. If they are gentlemen they will understand and you'll make friends.
  • it depends on how far into a relationship (or not) you are with either of them. if you are in an exclusive relationship with one of them, and you are thinking about dating the other guy, that is a good indication that something may not be quite right with your relationship. i would try to figure out why that is. it may be something in the relationship you can change, if you are not feeling satisfied, or it may be something that is all you (in which case, i'd probably break it off). if you aren't in a relationship, i'd try to get to know both of them as much as you can without being deceitful. being shady only works against you because if you end up really liking one of the guys, you don't want to start a relationship on a foundation filled with lies. also, make sure to pay attention to the little things! those seem to really add up down the road. oh, and don't forget to pay attention to your instinct. more often than not, it'll be right! good luck.
  • well I've been in that situation before except it was 3 guys i choose the only that was my dream guy that made me laugh and did everything i like to do but before that i waited for awhile and realized one guy was just bored and wanted something to do and another guy really did love me but didn't think we could be together and the one I'm with well he really loves me and we're kinda like Romeo and Juliet if he thought i was dead he would kill himself to be with me and i would do that too... for the faster way choose the one you'd want to be with if you would die the next day and ask them both what they'd do if you died how'd they react your mind will choose for you if you think hard enough as well as your heart and who it yearns for... :p

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