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  • I had an ex-girlfriend who used to pull that crap all the time. Then I realized that SHE was the manipulative one. There's nothing wrong with crying.
  • I was in a relationship where one drop of tears send my BF out the door instantly without explanaion. I stopped crying pretty fast.
  • No. He comforts me, holds me, rubs my back, hands me tissues, gets me a glass of water, kisses me and tells me everything will be alright.
  • I love my husband but he's a bit of an emotional retard. If we're fighting and I start crying it just makes him angrier. He doesn't accuse me of being manipulative, he just gets kind of mean. And it sucks because when I'm PMSing or otherwise hormonal I get really emotional and cry at the drop of a hat (sometimes literally. sigh). Usually though after the tide of emotion has ebbed and the fight has ended/gone on a hiatus he'll come and comfort me...he apologizes in his own way. It's shitty when it's happening but he makes up for it later. It's not right that he does that though...I'm trying to fix him, and I'm having some progress on that front lol but if your S.O. is pulling that with you you should talk to him about it, because it really isn't right. Good luck.
  • He's the most wonderful man, holding me until the storm passes with his warmth and sweet words:)
  • I used to care when she cried but in the end it was too hard. Now I let the circumstances be the judge. Some women cry at anything. How much we care about tears is in your hands - if you cry at the trivial we learn to adjust ourselves accordingly.
  • If he did I'd have to punch him in the teeth. I know when HE cries it freaks me out and I'll move heaven and earth to make him feel better.
  • No way, and if he did, he would no longer be my significant other. Utter disregard, invalidation, and anger towards my feelings isn't something I would tolerate from anyone, let alone my partner. I cannot make people not do this, but I can control whether or not I give them access to me.
  • My ex did that a lot...I wasn't allowed to cry around him. He would literally push me off his shoulders when he felt his shirt get wet from my tears. I'm never going to let someone treat me like that again.
  • Yes, my significant other recently got angry at me for being hurt by the fact that he didn't want to see me. When I expressed my hurt and disapointment, he told me that he's tired of my verbal aggression. In my opinion his anger was way out of context with my expression of disapointment.

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