• There are people who are luckier than others, not because of superstition but because they make their own breaks. Anyone can be lucky, it is not left up to Fate. "Lucky" people have a lot in common: they joyfully embrace opportunity, take chances, work hard and look for ways to turn setbacks into advantages. Luck is probably best defined as the willingness to do all you can to change your destiny. Lucky people are those who have a knack for “finding something to their advantage in any given situation. Attracting luck into your life means : 1. Staying Positive Staying positive is more than cultivating happy thoughts; it is knowing what gives you joy and purpose and going for it. Lucky people are able to find out what their purpose in life is and the meaningful activities that help create the “being” they wish to become. They are willing to do everything they can to realize their vision without developing a jaundiced view of themselves and their world. Lucky people have a very positive core of being; they refuse to be depressed about failures or obstacles. d.” 2. Believing in an ordered and intelligent universe. Lucky people tend to have faith in a benign and ordered universe. They tend not to see events as random but purposeful. Paying attention to intuition and meaningful coincidences is central to creating luck because Intuition is wisdom deeper and broader than the individual mind. Often the one who succeeds pursues his dream despite social censure because he has a “hunch” that his strategy will work. 3. Staying on the Path. Staying on the path does not mean that you have to hang on stubbornly to a particular strategy or perspective. In fact, people who succeed will find a different approach when they hit the wall. Success depends on trying paths that do not bring results and creating other paths that do. The key is to keep finding a way to your vision, even if it means abandoning a course of action that does not work. Luck builders spend little time, perhaps only minutes, being angry. Instead, they get right to work making luck out of any change in plans—even telling themselves that perhaps this is what God had intended all along. 4. Giving through gratitude, forgiveness, kindness. In order to receive, you must first give. An attitude that serves the interest of others will bring the greatest returns. This is known as the “boomerang” effect. Being grateful for what you have, forgiving those who have either knowingly or unknowingly offended you and giving yourself to help others are all ways by which you open your heart and mind to receive the blessings of the Universe. 5. Being patient. Thomas Edison once confided to a friend the difficulties he had working on his invention—an early version of the stock-market ticker. He wrote: ”I’ll never give up, for I may have a streak of luck before I die.” This willingness to work and wait for the lucky streak is the patience that will bear fruit. If success depends on persistence and right timing, then patience is an indispensable factor in luck. Reference Link
  • Absolutely. lucky in love, lucky in money, lucky in health. some people have it all. i believe its associated with their zodiac sign. people born in july and december, seem to have the most luck. to prove this, look around and see who wins at gambling, wins at love and wins at having good health. chances are, they were born in july or december.
  • Yes. in life, there are "a" people and "b" people. a..people have plenty of money, goes with the flow in life and goes gambling to have fun. these people win big, all the time. b..people go gambling with the rent money, electric bill money and never win. My wife and i have noticed this, time after time. the circle of luck encircles everyone. sooner or later, the gold ring will come your way, with 2 or 3 days of positive winning. take advantage of it. your astrological sign, also determines if you are a lucky person.

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