• You try and take no notice you are not going to be marrying your partners family,although it may make things akward. But if your partner loves you and you love him then the problem does not lie with you.They will get used to the idea of it so try not to worry too much. Good luck and congrats
  • That is very sad. I would say, keep your chin up, and try your best to see past THEIR shortcomings. If you treat them with kindness and respect, maybe they will soon return it and no longer judge you by the color of your skin. Best of luck to you and your fiance to be.
  • I always thought the Irish were friendly? LOL, guess not. I also thought you were black, excuse the other post then! So your mixed. Well seek it out for awhile. Never rush into permanent commitment,because you never know when the two of you will say enough already! Keep the engagement for as long as possible. What I hate the most is when iteracial couples have kids and then one leaves the other with children they dont really care for. Im pretty sure you know what I mean by this.
  • You continue loving your man, and ignore the ignorance of other people, he loves you you love him, simple. If the in-law wants to be ignorant then have minimal contact with them, and if it gets too uncomfortable, don't be afraid to pass back over that feeling of being uncomfortable to the in-law by confronting them about whatever their issue is with you. If not to them, then your man should be your partner in everything, let him know how you feel and let him deal with his parent/s. Good luck in the pursuit of happiness.
  • You just tell them that you will try and earn their respect (tho' you should already have it) by loving and devoting your life to their son. Tell them that you can do no more about where and to whom you were born than they can, and to just give you a small chance, and they will be richly rewarded!

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